ethinically ambigaus to – 610 points –

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Well, this isn't the first time ai became racist.

I accidentally got Dall-E to be racist. I'm on a forum where we do endless AI Godzilla pictures (don't ask) and I did "Godzilla crosses the border illegally" hoping for some sort of spy thing. Instead, I got Godzilla in a sombrero by a Trump-like border wall.

LOL! I really wanna see this!

It doesn't start with Godzilla. Godzilla slowly took over. So it's better to start at the bottom.

Deep cut!

EDIT: And look who showed up when I googled "Why doesn't Johnny care?"

It's an MST3K forum, so it's not as deep a cut as you would think. But we have fun.

Ah, okay, makes sense. I didn't notice any other obvious MST3K-isms in there.

Depends on the thread in the forum. That one doesn't reference it that much, although we always do Earth vs. Soup as a test when a new AI comes out.

It's funny how people trying to manually correct AI being prejudiced just makes it even more prejudiced in different ways. This reminds me of when you could get ChatGPT to make misandrist jokes about men pretty easily, but it would lecture you about not making jokes about protected classes if you swapped out "men" with "women" and changed nothing else.

Yeah why not just expand the dataset it draws from to be less racially biased?
Ah, right, that would require effort.

I think this is more likely some bizarre attempt at making the AI anti-racist.

But you can't argue against it unless you want to be called racist.