Inmate charged with attempted murder after George Floyd killer Chauvin stabbed 22 times to – 271 points –
Inmate charged with attempted murder after George Floyd killer Chauvin stabbed 22 times

The complaint alleges that while incarcerated at Federal Correctional Institution Tucson, John Turscak, 52, stabbed Chauvin about 22 times "with an improvised knife," prosecutors said.

Turscak was charged with attempted murder, assault with intent to commit murder, assault with a dangerous weapon, and assault resulting in serious bodily injury, according to prosecutors.

The investigation in the case was conducted by the FBI.

Attempted murder and assault with intent to commit murder violations each carry maximum penalties of 20 years incarceration, while assault with a dangerous weapon and assault resulting in serious bodily injury each carry maximum penalties of 10 years.

Chauvin was expected to survive following the attack last week in a prison in Arizona, the Minnesota Attorney General's office said earlier.


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First time I'm hearing about this.

Chauvin was expected to survive following the attack last week


Chauvin was not sentenced to be stabbed 22 times. As awful a person as he likely is, I would rather not see extrajudicial killing be praised.

Performing extrajudicial killing is what got him behind bars in the first place, after all. Quite rightly so.

to explain how awful chauvin is... the only reason he got convicted was because he's such an asshole, that not even other cops were willing to protect him, despite the Blue Wall of Silence.

you're right, though. it shouldn't be allowed.

I'm not gonna root for it, but I certainly wouldn't be upset if someone's successful

If anything, it's better that he lived. To be further painfully reminded.

Agreed, I want him to actually fear for his life instead of using that as an excuse

I’ll never wish for someone’s death, but there are a few obituaries I will read with joy.

You almost had it:

"All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction."

--Clarence Darrow

The last part is often misattributed to Twain.

Floyd wasn't sentenced to death either but one of them was executed by the state anyway

ETA What a person is sentenced to isn't necessarily what's right. Famous actual rapist Brock Allen Turner (he goes by Allen Turner now apparently) only got 6 months for violently raping a woman.

At least there is less people clamouring for stuff like this and prison rape here, unlike reddit. Crazy people will be ok with sort of thing just because they think someone “deserves” if.

Don't worry, those type of comments are already here.

People out for blood. At least there's less of them here than on reddit...

Yeah, he's going to survive through a very painful recovery from twenty-two stab wounds.

And then he'll be put back in prison. With the other prisoners again.

only reason I don't want him to get stabbed again is because I don't want anyone else's life to get ruined by this shit cop. or, more ruined... I guess. I dunno. They're in prison, so, you know.

I want him to fully experience every day that he was sentenced to live in prison. Death would be an early release.