Trump Explodes in Unhinged Tirade in Courtroom, Attacks Judge and Prosecutors, Then Storms Out

theprogressivist to politics – 499 points –

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This title is hilarious compared to others I’ve seen. Makes it seem like shit was crazy. Like they’re trying to top the guy who superman’d over the bench last week. It wasn’t. He spoke and the judge let him. And the judge will make his decision soon so let’s see how the EXPLOSIVE UNHINGED ATTACKS work out for him.

Yeah I was going to say, "stormed out"? I've never seen a courtroom where the defendant could just leave, especially not in a case that's this high profile.

It's civil not criminal so defendant isn't required to attend

I'm guessing the only explosive or thunderous thing that happened was just Trump shitting his diaper as he waddled out.

this article- which I skimmed - seems like a left-leaning Fox News. Like massive hyperbole and exaggeration designed to get rage clicks

Unfortunately that's the devolution of most media now... It's ridiculous.

No no we can't be the media or the press and simply provide information, we are ad revenue companies masquerading as the press.

Right, left, center, whatever. It's all devolving into click bait shit.

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Looking at it, it seems worse than Fox. It seems closer to Gateway Pundit or some awful shit like that.

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Is there video of this speech?

Not that I’ve seen (doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist), but other coverage I have read makes it seem way less dramatic.

Agreed. I thought there was some huge, unhinged rant. I only read about it, didn't hear it, but it sounds pretty tame compared to this description.

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