Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March to – 446 points –

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so use Reddit for exclusively porn? way ahead of you

Im betting porn only has a year or 2 left on reddit. They already been slowly purging for years. Got to keep the advertisers happy.

There was some other social media site that banned porn a few years ago, I think it was Tumblr? I wonder how that worked out for them.

Tumblr reversed their ban a year ago, so that's pretty self evident.

What's even there now? I only knew of tumbler because of the anime titties.

It's been pretty active all this time tbh. I didn't notice getting worse, but then I was never there for the porn.

Maybe not active in the right way from an advertising perspective idk, but it's never been lacking good content.

OnlyFans tried a while back. There was probably some internal political maneuvering going on with that one.

Isn't the whole point of that platform porn though?

Tells you how scarred advertisers are of a titty.

OnlyFans isn't funded by advertising. It appears to be the credit card industry at the heart of this one.

I think it was Freakonomics that did a series on it? But yeah, quite an interesting and convoluted series of events.

They reversed the ban and in any case, there was still a shit ton of porn on the site, it was just written rather than drawn.

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But they killed APIs entirely for nsfw, so that is broken now too.

You can technically just make yourself a mod of your own private subreddit, then NSFW works fine with the API. It works with RedReader. I still use Reddit a bit for very niche subreddits.

Lemmy has way better quality porn

Disagree. Lemmy's porn in like 75% just bots reposting content.

Although this is to be expected, and at least this means we have content, it is also a bit unfortunate.

The Bot content is utter garbage. A good chunk of it is reddit links to old stuff. I'm sick of seeing Bot posts from reddit where someone posted a question 3 years ago.

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