Reblog if youre american to Lemmy – 728 points –

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This is something I do not wish to google. Is it noticeable? I would assume a small surgical cut that occurs at infancy leaves no significant scar

Not to be crude but this pretty much is what I'm talking about. It's almost like having a two toned penis...

NSFW btw... Although it is just a drawing

Wow the frenulum gets removed as well sometimes? What an outdated and ridiculous thing to be doing to children for absolutely no good reason. Yeah sure, some studies show it improves hygiene I've been told. To me that's about as proportionate as removing all your healthy teeth so you don't get cavities in the future...

The studies where it 'improves' hygiene are poorly designed as they don't control for education and understanding.

In other words - what's better: teaching our baby boys the simple act of cleaning under their foreskin in the bath, along with the rest of their body or cutting off a sensitive and important part of their body to make masturbation and sex more difficult?

Ok wait the rest of this is important but sidebar, my peehole is called a MEATUS??

Biden needs to bring this up at the next State of the Union address

A meatus is a hole/tunnel, with some specific properties. You also, just as a by the by thing, have an external acoustic meatus on each side of your head.

Are you saying all those vitiligo penises in porn are actually just circumcised?

Let's just say there is a definitive line where what once was my foreskin now just is a smooth piece of skin connected by another. I wouldn't call it a scar because like I said I had no idea it was not normal. There's definitely a noticeable difference between the top part and the rest of it. I'm not sure how else to put this delicately. Honestly, I would just google it.

Unacceptable. Upload a pic of the tip of your dick pls.

I mean if you really want it I'll do it. It's just anatomy. Plus I have a wide angle lens...