Future of American Dream 🏡

Plw@lemmy.today to Memes@sopuli.xyz – 383 points –

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✅ Lawn

✅ Driveway that fits two cars

✅ Two baths

✅ Not sharing walls with neighbor

That driveway does not fit two cars

One of them in the pic has two cars. Of course, the ass is sticking into the road a bit but ehhhh it counts.

In a lot of places you can get a ticket for blocking the sidewalk.

I’m thinking sidewalks aren’t being used much, if at all, in this fine Texas community.

Yeah maybe. An HOA would fine them for it regardless.

I wonder if you’d be allowed to park on the street, like parallel park, blocking your own driveway? Or maybe there is guest parking. Otherwise I can never see how you would have company over. Or share that place with a significant other.

Otherwise, they don’t look too bad. Wished there were pics of the interior.

Bottom right seems to be able to squeeze two cars.

While blocking the footpath making your disabled/pushchair-pushing/child neighbours life just a little bit more unsafe and harder.


Uh, blocked sidewalks is the least of their concern if they live in these 1 bedroom houses. Where's the child going to sleep? In one of the two baths?

“It’s ok to inconvenience people, because they probably have bigger inconveniences bothering them”

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