Biden Sets Internet Alight With ‘Dark Brandon’ Super Bowl Reaction to politics – 759 points –
Biden Sets Internet Alight With ‘Dark Brandon’ Super Bowl Reaction

President Joe Biden had conspiracy theorists in a tizzy after posting what appeared to be his reaction to the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl win on Sunday night.

“Just like we drew it up,” Biden posted on X alongside a photo of “Dark Brandon,” the meme created by hardcore—and very online—supporters of Donald Trump that Biden and his team loved so much they adopted it as their own.

The post was apparently referencing far-right conspiracy theories which posit the NFL and high-level government operatives conspired to rig the Super Bowl in Kansas City’s favor to give maximum exposure to a yet-to-be-announced endorsement from Chiefs star Travis Kelce and his girlfriend Taylor Swift.


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Woohoo I am glad we care more about money instead of the fact that we are supporting the killing of innocent children.

Thank god that almighty dollar is there, it is so much more important than human life!

Yes, believe it or not, being able to pay the bills and feed my family is of a higher priority to me. And while we're at things I can see Trump doing, I'd prefer not to have my queer daughter put in a "conversion therapy" camp.

Ah I see.

To me peoples lives are more important than a conversion camp.

Here’s a secret to life, as long as someone is still alive, we can work on helping them.

Once they’re dead though, completely different.

Sorry, are you saying I should prioritize other people's lives over my child's?

Are you fucking nuts?

You can’t see the difference there, really?

I think you may be being a little shady here, friend, just a little bit deceptive, because I don’t believe that you were stupid enough to not see the difference between supporting the actual physical life of someone and not getting everything you fucking want?

Are you going to be the one putting your daughter in the conversion camp?


Yeah, that’s how the actual conversion camps?

So you’re deliberately trying to make a false equivalence here?

Now you could tell me to worry about other peoples children, but that doesn’t give you the personal grab and shield did it being your own daughter does, does it?

So surely you’re not using loaded language here?

Look at the straight facts, your boy is supporting and directly enabling the killing of 10,000 innocent children.

Ones who will never even get the chance to grow.

That is what you support, you can hide from that fact all you want.

Fuck Trump and Fuck Biden.

They can both die today and we could have 2 more public fucking toilets.

As long as you people keep fucking supporting them no matter what then they will never change.

You people are just as bad as the motherfuckers that have to carry a pistol just to walk to their cars.

You all are letting fear ruin your ability to have anything fucking better.

You are holding the rest of us back with you.

Do you know how many stupid motherfuckers I hear voting for bad people just to “ be moderate” but really they wish they could have insert actual good choice here?

If even half of them would vote for the “not safe” candidate then they would win by a landslide.

Instead people who like the motherfucking status quo hide behind the “safe choice” just so that they can pretend that they are fine with children dying as long as it is far away from them.

Try thinking about something or someone that doesn’t directly affect or connect to you.

“Fuck You, I Got Mine!”, where oh where have I seen that attitude before?

But yeah, I’m glad you can ignore it just because you aren’t affected by it.

That's a lot of words to tell me that I should, in fact, care about other people more than my daughter.

I sincerely hope you don't have children.

Here, let me shorten it.

Yes, there are times that you should, in fact, care about other people more than your daughter.

I care more about other people when they’re hungry, than my child getting an ice cream.

I have taken the money that I was going to use to get there an ice cream to give to someone that was homeless.

It’s almost like we as adults can understand it worse, things can be happening to someone else that we should divert some type of resource away from ourselves in our families to stop the other thing.

Here’s an easier example, there are people all over America that take money that could be used on their children’s toys during Christmas time,and instead donate that money, so that other children can have things.

Yes, there are times that you should, in fact, care about other people more than your daughter.

No. No there absolutely are not. And if you think that and you are a parent, you should absolutely have CPS called on you.

Your examples have nothing to do with a child's welfare, which is obviously what we are talking about here.

And my daughter's welfare, based on what TRUMP HAS ALREADY DONE is at stake here.

You just don't give a shit because you don't care about queer people.

This is probably a foreign concept, but it's important to understand in case you're ever in a plane crash. When the oxygen masks come down, you put your oxygen mask on first. Then you help others.

You're welcome, if you're ever in a plane crash I just saved your life and the people around you. And yes you are welcome because you clearly did not understand the concept based on the comment I'm replying to.

So in this analogy, the 'people in the plane around you' are actually the Palestinian civilialians that we are genociding? And you think it is fine to financially and rhetorically support an ongoing genocide as long as domestic issues are being taken care of?

This seems to be the opposite of the "we can walk and chew gum at the same time" type of rhetoric we hear often from the Democrats.

To where is the helping others part here?

Is… is it inside all of the bombs?

Is that why Israel is dropping so many bombs for all the help that’s inside of them?

Shit! I didn’t know, my bad.

Human life is supported by the almighty dollar. Like it or not, that’s how it is. I have to feed my children, don’t I? And Biden did the best he could to get the economy back on track. He succeeded. But by all means, let’s not give him any credit because he is not perfect.

This person actually thinks you and I should put other people's lives over our own children's lives.

False equivalence they aren’t both ending in death.

With a proper support system, your daughter will be fine no matter what the outside world is like

"It's okay if your daughter suffers as long as she doesn't die."

Fucking listen to yourself.

My daughter will not be fine. This is what Trump did in his first term:

Trump is a clear and present danger to queer people.

The fact is that you just don't give a shit about queer people.

So what is the exchange rate between “potential things that trump might do” and actual physical deaths that Biden has supported.

How many deaths does it take to change your mind?

How many of other people’s children are you willing to sacrifice to keep biden in the White House?

How many deaths did Trump cause 2016-2020? Care to count them? It’s not about what Trump might do. It’s about what he’s done and has promised that he will do.

Dictator for a day.

What do you think that means exactly?

Play the same game with Biden and trump.

That is how it should be, just because one does something doesn’t mean you forgive the other if they do it just because they are on the same side as you.

Fuck them both. Trump killed people through not acting with Covid.

Trump is a complete and total piece of shit just like fucking Biden.

I do not give a shit how good you made the fucking economy or whatever.

You are still giving bombs to people to kill children with.

I’m not gong to argue with you just to get my comments deleted and accounts banned.

Your wrong. And your decision to fold your arms and pout instead of voting will potentially cost the rest of us our democracy.

I hope you are okay to live with that. Because it Will be YOUR fault.

Blocking you now so as to avoid losing my ability to continue posting here.

Yes, you've already made it clear that you don't give a shit about queer people.

this is bad faith

No. No it isn't. They told me I shouldn't be worried about what Trump will do to my queer daughter based on what he has done in the past. That clearly shows they have no problem with what Trump has done in the past because they don't think what he did was bad enough already.

They also suggested that my daughter would be fine as long as she doesn't die.

So I stand by what I said. They don't give a shit about queer people.

>They told me I shouldn’t be worried about what Trump will do to my queer daughter based on what he has
done in the past. That clearly shows they have no problem with what Trump has done in the past because they don’t think what he did was bad enough already.

wrong. they may have major problems with it, but they may have even bigger problems with what biden is doing now on some other front. they can care about two things at the same time.

They have said multiple times that Trump would be better than Biden. I have shown that Trump has a very clear record of oppressing queer people. Biden has done very little to negatively affect queer people just for being who they are. Trump is not better than Biden for my daughter or any queer person. Period. And anyone who thinks that my queer daughter's welfare should be sacrificed in order to get Trump elected does not care about queer people.

i can't seem to find them saying trump would be better than biden. can you link that?

Now that's rich. The person who said that their intuition was all they need and evidence was not necessary expecting me to provide evidence.

Sure. As soon as you show evidence that all people who live on aircraft carriers can afford to buy a home.

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I’ll just jump in right here and say fuck Trump too.

Very clearly fuck Trump fuck Biden, fuck Israel fuck Hamas

I can acknowledge that both things are shitty.

The closest you’re coming to finding me supporting Trump all through my history would probably be when I said he might be what we deserve or need to make people wise the fuck up.

That being said, it wouldn’t surprise me if you can find were so I said that just to piss someone off I was arguing with.

I’m not proud of it, but there’s the potential for it.

However, if you check my entire post to come in history, you’ll see where I stand.

Thank you for understanding that there are more than just two sides to this

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So that, to you, is worth all of the dead children that have happened because of the weapons we sent?

I think the deal is more "My family is safe and healthy and that is important to me" over "wow I don't care at all about dead foreign kids."

In a 2-party system, sometimes that's the best you can get... and frankly, I give more of a shit about myself and my friends/family who would be much worse off under Republicans than Democrats, enough that if I have to id vote Democrat every time until the immediate threat of Republicans is dealt with.

And again, because you just don't seem to get it, Republicans have an even worse track record on the middle east lol. (Not intended as a whataboutism - more as an explanation that the two-party system sucks, and how not voting for one effectively means the other wins)

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