Hundreds of Protesters Crash Biden Fundraiser in San Francisco, Demanding a Cease-Fire in Gaza to politics – 343 points –
Hundreds of Protesters Crash Biden Fundraiser in SF, Demanding a Cease-Fire in Gaza | KQED

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They know that Trump is Bibi's best friend, right? And electing him will triple-down on the genocide?

They know that, right?

Right, so Biden should get no criticism for supporting genocide because the other guy does it more? Seems democrats can get away with anything by simply not being trump.

Op never said Biden should get a pass. The question is why protestors aren't ALSO disrupting Republican events at the same magnitude and frequency.

Because Republicans aren't in charge of diplomacy right now, that's a responsibility of the president.

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that sounds like a good reason to continue petitioning biden. what's the problem

I keep wondering the same thing.

Then start telling Biden to stop sending weapons to israel instead of victim blaming.

Well stop wondering and ask yourself if you'd rather Biden stop sending weapons to Israel or lose to Donald Trump.

They know that, right?

They're mostly the tiktok generation who can barely read. Critical and logical thinking are pipe dreams.

Gonna be a hard life for them.

Democrats should not be supporting genocide, nor dismissing and alienating those that oppose it.

Democrats should not be supporting genocide

Good thing they don't then isn't it?

Saying there is one doesn't make it true.

There is a war, it's brutal and will get worse before it gets better. If it gets better.

Palestine doesn't even have an army. What war are you talking about?

This is more a "special military operation" as retaliation for a terrorist attack. Because this ain't a war, it's a massacre of mostly innocent people. I mean.. they're literally targeting children. And the ambulance trying to reach them.

Palestine doesn't even have an army.

It just happened to have 24 battalions of Hamas terroists I guess eh?

Good news is 18 of them have been eliminated. Won't be long now until the objective is complete.

Ok, if they were confining that to Hamas maybe it would be good news. But how many Palestinians were "eliminated" on the way to delivering you your "good news". How many dead children? How many doctors, teachers, drivers, grandparents have been eliminated to bring you this good news?

I just don't think that Israeli lives are any more or less important than Palestinian lives. So murdering 30,000 Gazans doesn't seem like remotely good news to me.

But then again I'm not a bloodthirsty bigot.

Good thing they don’t then isn’t it?

It would be a good thing if they weren't gaslighting genocide deniers as well, but here you are.

Saying there is one doesn’t make it true.

Denying it doesn't make it anything other than genocide. You just want to support genocide without pushback.

There is a war, it’s brutal and will get worse before it gets better. If it gets better.

It's genocide and nothing else. Downplaying it is genocide apologia.

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Did you look at the picture of the protesters? You think those people are GenZ?

Centrist Democrats can't justify their support for genocide because there is no justification for supporting genocide. But since they don't want to stop, we get the Greatest Hits of Centrist Dismissals.

Right? Dude provides a screenshot showing the younger people are the more likely they are to think this is genocide. And this Boomer, rather than thinking "Hey these younger people are speaking their minds and I should respect the direction they want to take their future." they're like "Nah fuck that. Fucking younger people can't read amirite??" Boomer, you aren't going to be alive long enough for the decisions being made here to affect your life at all. Just shut the fuck up already.

It's fucking gross. Moderates are gross. Boomers are gross.

So much of the dismissal of those who are opposed to the genocide that centrist Democrats support boils down to "I'm old. I assume you're younger than me and are therefore wrong."

Exactly. It's just Boomers who are obsessed with getting their way. Then they turn around and tell us that we don't know how to compromise. The best examples they have about "compromises" they have made are things like "Biden stood with a picket line!" or "He tried for student loan forgiveness." They genuinely feel like those were material compromises on their part despite neither one having any impact on their lives in any way. It's fucking pathetic.

Centrist Democrats didn't want student loan forgiveness because of course they didn't, while progressives wanted student loan forgiveness because it helps people. Biden listened to progressives. When the Supreme Court agreed with Centrist Democrats and struck down Biden's first attempt at forgiveness, he kept trying.

I've been screaming for years that Democrats need to listen to progressives and not give up forever at the first setback. Biden did exactly what I wanted on student loans: he listened to progressives and kept trying. I cannot fault him on that issue.

There's a whole host of other issues I absolutely will fault him for. I agree with your other example. Centrist Democrats keep trying to give Biden sole credit for the UAW's hard work because he held a photo op.

If Biden had succeeded at student loan forgiveness that would mean moderates gave something up. He didn't and thus it's ridiculous to me they try to act like that's a compromise. It was an attempt at a compromise which failed.

I'm mid 30s so technically a millenial. Also I'm a progressive and voted for Sanders while you were playing with your fidget spinner in middle school.

Note the source of the poll. YouGov. They're reliable and as I said that was one example. Every poll shows it's young people.

But sure cling on to anecdotal evidence and call people you disagree with boomers. That'll get you far lmao.

Every poll shows it’s young people.

Are you calling yourself "young people" then? Your own poll shows 43% of Millennials believe genocide is being committed.

I'm saying they've been "educated" by Tiktok, AKA brainwashed.

Nationally, 48 percent of U.S. Millennial and Gen Z could not name a single one of the more than 40,000 concentration camps or ghettos established during World War II. This number is reflected in individual state outcomes, with an astounding 60 percent of respondents in Texas, 58 percent in New York, and 57 percent in South Carolina, unable to name a single camp or ghetto.

56 percent of U.S. Millennial and Gen Z were unable to identify Auschwitz-Birkenau, and there was virtually no awareness of concentration camps and ghettos overall. Only six percent of respondents are familiar with the infamous Dachau camp, while awareness of Bergen-Belsen (three percent), Buchenwald (one percent) and Treblinka (one percent) is virtually nonexistent.

When asked how many Jews were killed during the Holocaust, 63 percent of Millennials and Gen Z did not know six million Jews were murdered.

The state-by-state analysis yielded a particularly disquieting finding that nearly 20 percent of Millennials and Gen Z in New York feel the Jews caused the Holocaust.

A fifth of Americans ages 18-29 believe the Holocaust was a myth, according to a new poll from The Economist/YouGov.

I'm not about to unravel what your deal is here.

Biden needs these votes to win the 2024 general election. You can mock them all you like but that isn't going to make them show up at the ballot box. If you don't want Trump to win you'd better hope he stops sending weapons to Israel.

You can mock them all you like but that isn't going to make them show up at the ballot box.

I'm aware.

There are people who are going to be dumb about this and stay home or vote third party. Thing is there's nothing anyone will say or do that will change their minds one way or another. I know because I voted for Jill Stein in 2016, in Wisconsin. Some have to make the mistake first hand to know it was wrong. It is what it is.

Upshot is I suspect major operations will be wrapped up by late spring. If so Gaza will be a distant memory to most voters in November.

Biden had an 81,000 vote margin in the key electoral college states to work with in 2020. Hopefully he can take the hit this Gaza situation will bring.

If he can't, so be it. Life will just get worse faster but at least I'll get to have a little bit of schadenfreude on the way down watching the Tiktokd left live the meme.

I see that meme and I think moderates when they cry that their pro-corporate, strike blocking, genocide supporting trash candidate who refuses to compromise with leftists or progressives loses to Donald Trump.

You look at 2016 and you feel guilty for what you did. I look at 2016 and thought "surely moderates will see the error of their ways and understand they can't win elections without us."

Nope. Despite moderates being the majority voting bloc they convinced themselves and a good deal of progressives that it was our fault. It's complete horse shit.

genocide supporting trash candidate who refuses to compromise

...with people who chant from the river to the sea yet cry genocide at every turn without a hint of Irony.

It's complete horse shit

I take solace in the fact there's not a damn thing you're going to do that will change a thing.

I take solace in the fact there’s not a damn thing you’re going to do that will change a thing.

Then ignore me.

Small sample size. I look at the polling data. Those claiming there's a genocide skew young in every poll.

Good. You didn't answer my question. My guess is you're a Boomer who thinks everyone younger than 65 is a child.

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