Matt Gaetz’s Questioning of Hunter Biden Backfires Spectacularly to politics – 376 points –
Matt Gaetz’s Questioning of Hunter Biden Backfires Spectacularly

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I dare say Hunter Biden was not the most crooked man in the room, not by a long shot.

Piece of shit? Maybe. Biggest piece of shit? Not by a long shot.

The only people that say Hunter, Biden is a piece of shit are the Republicans, and I am not inclined to believe them. Just because the guy did cocaine and owned a gun is not reason enough for me to condemn him. cocaine is awesome, and while I don’t particularly care for guns, he didn’t shoot anyone with it. Yes, he should not have been in possession of it. At the time he was, and he should face reasonable consequences for breaking the law, but what he is being put through now is ridiculous and outrageous.

And if he has a drug abuse problem, he should get treatment for it. But none of this equates to him being some kind of piece of shit or scumbag in my eyes. Just a mildly interesting guy who also happens to be the son of the president of United States, and as a result of that, the target of an outrageous, GOP witchhunt , for no other reason, then to discredit his father.

Eh, I figure if you're the rich son of a career politician you kinda default to shitty behavior. Again, by far not the worst person in the room, but also probably not someone I'd trust to borrow my car.

Without any evidence, are you just gonna take the Republicans word for it? Why would you do that? The only evidence available is that Hunter Biden has gigantic cock, likes cocaine, and owned gun when he was legally not supposed to. Judge him on the facts, not your prejudices. And, especially, not because the biggest pack of liars and hypocrites in the world told you so.

Didn't he also have some hookers? The more I talk this out I'm thinking he's actually Bender Bending Rodriguez.

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Worst Canadian accent ever.

I figure if you’re the rich son of a career politician you kinda default to shitty behavior.

As generalizations go, that's 'both sides' kind of lazy.

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Why is he a piece of shit? Seems he's a middlingly-successful lawyer who had an addiction problem, just like tens of millions of other people. Being an addict doesn't make you a bad person, just like having the flu doesn't.

I don’t even know that he had an addiction problem. He had a doing cocaine and getting caught by a bunch of hypocritical cunts problem. He also had a having a big dick and getting it photographed and spread on the Internet by Marjorie Taylor Green problem. None of that amounts to an actual drug or sex addiction problem other than a bunch of shitty Republicans made his private life public. by any other standard, the guy just knows how to have a good time. And nothing pisses off Republicans more than another person enjoying themselves.

I firmly believe that those who can use drugs responsibly should be allowed to do so, regardless of any stupid antiquated laws. just because some Republicans have some ridiculously hypocritical and outrageously outmoded belief that imbibing any chemical, other than water is some horrific weakness doesn’t mean that any other person, particularly rational people, should agree with it. Nor should anyone hold the same standard just because some crazy fascists want to use it as fuel for a character, assassination and impeachment of his father.

Pretty sure it's full on addiction. I remember the "bombshell" voice-mail fox got to smear Joe Biden. It was so poignant and humanizing they dropped that shit quickly cause it made the Biden's look good.

I don't even know a damned thing about him, other than drug abuse. That doesn't paint him as a piece of shit to me, just sad. A man who made many poor decisions. (There very well may be shitty things I don't know, but they're loudest about the drugs)

I don’t even know a damned thing about him, other than drug abuse.

We don't even know the drug abuse isn't slander.

Uh, it isn't? I'm not defending the fucking repubs, but Hunter did admit to drug abuse. Its in the fucking article.

I don’t know him but I think “piece of shit” is rather overblown MAGA nonsense.

If he’s a piece of shit, he’s a private individual piece of shit, so that’s his business. He is not representing the public.

Gaetz is almost certainly a person who knowingly paid an underage girl for sex. The person who facilitated it basically already plead guilty and may be cooperating with investigators, though the proceedings of this seem to be going quite slowly.

This is even more insane given that Gaetz is one of the most Q-Anony of the lunatic Republicans in Congress. Kind of their whole thing is largely based around saving children from being sex trafficked.

Is it insane? I always assumed most of the Q-anon types were pedophiles who doth protest too much.

Its insane when you compare the things they hold dear and are most concerned about to themselves personally and the people they support.

They will tell you they are highly worried about secret sex trafficking and millions of missing children, but extremely often they and the people they support are sexually abusing children, or have a history of it.

Its the cognitive dissonance thats the insane part, the extreme hypocrisy.

Why is he a piece of shit, and why do we care about that in the context of politics, if his matters are unconnected to his father?

I wouldn't care about Ivanka a single bit if it wasn't because she was his rapist daddy's political advisor.

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