‘Isn’t it past your jail time?’: Jimmy Kimmel wins cheers at Oscars with Trump jibe

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 579 points –
‘Isn’t it past your jail time?’: Jimmy Kimmel wins cheers at Oscars with Trump jibe

Oscars host makes comment onstage after ex-president writes scathing review of Kimmel on his Truth Social platform


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Blame dems for running shit candidates.

Imagine if Bernie won the nomination in 2016...

We'd have 8 years of Sanders and then democrats would be running someone comparable or even better.

But the ruling class didn't like that, so this is what we get.

I hope trump wins just to punish biden supporters. Tired of these wet-noodle candidates that do nothing.

Don't blame me. Blame everyone who voted for Hillary in the 2016 primary. They are the problem.

I hope trump wins just to punish biden supporters.

He said, from his cushy position of privilege.

If Trump is Putin's puppet and Putin supports Hamas, then wouldn't Trump be better for the people of Gaza than Biden?

Unless Trump isn't Putin's puppet or Putin doesn't support Hamas?

Nope: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna141905

Also might be worth considering, I dunno, people of the country he would be president of.

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Are you moronic enough to think Putin supports Hamas for any reason other than to just cause chaos? Do you believe he shares an ideology with them?

Does it matter? My point was that if Trump is Putin's puppet and Putin supports Hamas, then it makes sense that Trump would too.

The reasoning why Putin supports Hamas is irrelevant, but you're trying to pivot the conversation to something that's easier for you to manipulate.

I don't expect more from you people at this point because I see it so often.

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I know this is probably a futile exercise, but why on Earth would someone being a supporter of Hamas be good for the people of Gaza?

Study some of the history of the region and reach your own conclusions.

My conclusions are that Hamas is an organization that doesn't actually care about the people of Gaza and it uses them as a tool to further their own aims and benefits. I think that's the only reasonable conclusion anyone with a brain could make.

That's cool.

Did you study the history of the region before reaching that conclusion?

Edit: No, he did not.

logically, yes.

so at least one of those must be false, since we know that trump would be worse.

here's my take: trump isn't putin's puppet.

Glad someone here is rational.

This propaganda frenzy has everyone in "proud useful-idiot" mode.

Everybody can see what’s happening here, and it’s not interesting. Go play with your crayons.

It's really sad how hard up for a win this guy is that he has to invent his own.

Sorry I'm saying things you don't like, but instead of insulting me you could try debunking.

We both know you can't do that, though, so you resort to personal insults to fit in with the crowd.

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I hope trump wins just to punish biden supporters.

Fuck off, idiot.

I will absolutely blame you. I wanted Sanders enough to switch parties to vote for him in the primary. I get it.

But this time isn't about getting what we want. This is about reducing harm. The math is simple, more people will die and suffer under Trump. He will vilify the weakest of us to give his base red meat to chew on. Do you not have enough examples as to what happens when a population is dehumanized? Is that a thing you will allow in order to keep your ideals pristine?

You want change? Start local. Find like minded people and build a resilient community -that's where we can find power. Start voting people into office from the bottom up.

It's a sprint right now to stop the worst from happening but a marathon to make an equitable society.

"I hope we all lose American Democracy to punish my neighbors that don't hold the exact same political views as me! Now we can ALL be unhappy forever!"

Democracy was lost the moment we allowed unlimited funds to be pumped into campaigns.

I'm just being real about the situation instead of living in a fantasy land like a lot of people.

Of course, those same people get mad when I point out reality.

The Republican Congress since Mitch McConnell's 2010 class is responsible for killing most government action since the middle of the Obama administration. The Republican party is the actual problem.

Blame Dems for running the guy who crushed trump last time??????

You're a fucking idiot.

"Generic Democrat" polls better than Biden. You can argue he has a chance, but you can't argue that he's popular, or polling well against Trump. I kind of take issue with "crushed" a descriptor of 2020 too. Skin of his teeth seems more reasonable, and in an environment that's completely different from right now. They did it with Hillary, another very unpopular candidate and we got Trump. They're doing it again now, and it seems nuts to go so balls out against actual voters rather than the people who are literally deciding who the candidate is. But what do I know🤷‍♂️

Generic Democrat/Republican beat their respective candidates quite often, actually. It's easy to be appealing as a literal non-existent entity with no baggage that represents an average of one of the two most common voter groups. Not really interested in arguing with you on any of the rest of it, but that piece is not as supportive an argument as people are making it out to be.

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