Trump Bitterly Attacks Judge’s Daughter Hours After Gag Order to politics – 465 points –
Trump Bitterly Attacks Judge’s Daughter Hours After Gag Order

To be fair, I don't think the gag order included attacking the judge


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Why even issue a gag order that will obviously never be followed if there is no intent to follow through?

They just gotta keep up the illusion of consequences for Trump. Fines (which will never be collected). Gag orders (which will never be enforced). Bans from business and finance dealings (which will be reversed). But hey we're doing something!

It's infuriating. He gets treated with so much deference and kid gloves, and he's still acting like he's being persecuted. And the worst part is that his base eats it all up.

Someone should sprinkle some drugs on him. Worst case, he has to deal with Eric sniffing him for a day.

We have a rule against cruel and unusual punishment.

Just put black ink in his orange spray tan. For one day, maybe he'll be treated like a minority in America. That should terrify him.

I'm surprised they don't just declare that he paid the fine successfully rather than go through all that trouble to lower it.

It's embarrassing at this point. "Don't make your Trumpanzees send death threats to my clerks." Donald makes his Trumpanzees send death threats to the clerks. "Oh, okay, you can post a much smaller bond and have some more time to get the money."

“Ope, jeepers gosh, looks like you’re still having trouble with it, we can setcha up with a zero negative-interest payment plan there so once yer done makin’ those payments, you’ll get a li’l reward to getcha back on yer feet”

The gag orders lately have been leaving out the judge, prosecutors, and their families. Wouldn't want an appearance of bias. What's a few death threats between friends?

As I understand it, it reduces the chances of an appeal if they don't include themselves in the gag order.

Yeah that's definitely what they're going for. It just seems like a huge overcorrection. There is way too high of a chance that somebody gets killed by one of Trump's supporters. What appeals court is going to throw out a conviction because the judge tried to protect themselves and the prosecution from political violence instigated by the defendant?

What appeals court is going to throw out a conviction because the judge tried to protect themselves and the prosecution from political violence instigated by the defendant?

If their luck doesn't hold, and they get another judge whom we know values politics over the law but hasn't been impeached yet, they want to make sure to leave as little to interpretation as possible.

I guess if nothing else, it's a paper trail and another thing that can be added to a list.

They might be waiting for the people to finally do something about it. The government is infiltrated with members who put the well beings of very few over the majority of the people. We are improperly raging against the machine

Gag orders have narrow definitions so as not to infringe upon 1st amendment speech Trump gets around this by raging at every every person in the periphery of the specific gag order. Can't talk shit about the jurors or the court clerks? Well judge such-and-such, you didn't say I couldn't say anything about you or your daughter! So he spews his vitriol at them and gets away with it. That's why he got slapped with like 3 increasingly more broad gag orders during the NY fraud trial. Telling Trump to shut his mouth is guaranteed to elicit a reaction.

Judges have already verbally reprimanded him for violating the gag orders and then do nothing to actually hold him accountable, just issue another toothless gag order. What did those 3 gag orders accomplish when he just kept violating them?

Normal people are put in contempt when they violate judges orders multiple times.

Oh, I agree. I would have loved to see actual enforcement of all of his previous gag orders, especially when he immediately turns around and violates it thoughtlessly. It just seems like he's always on the fringe of a technicality or simply given a verbal reprimand and the courts are willing to let him off the hook as a result. Every single time.

Nothing could convince me more that we are living in a society with a two-tiered justice system than watching this madness unfold. It does not seem to matter how obviously guilty Trump is, the system was designed to give rich and famous people the benefit of the doubt every step of the way. His evasion of justice and open mockery of the law are infuriating to no end.