Teacher faces termination after calling in sick for 2 days to attend a concert in Nashville, district says

Wilshire@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 286 points –
Teacher faces termination after calling in sick for 2 days to attend a concert in Nashville, district says

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Gonna be that guy, but…. Good. I’d have fired her too.

Here's hoping you're not, and never will be, anyone's boss.

Right… firing someone for calling in sick so she can go to a concert when her job is teaching children- and they’re the bad guys.

There’s vacation days for that shit. She’s irresponsible and shouldn’t be a teacher.

Teachers don’t have vacation days. They get 10 sick days per year. They get 3 personal days. It’s very possible the only leave she had were sick days.

Then don’t be a teacher. She knew the situation.

You know all about her from this rage bait story? Enough to end her career? You're a fraud.

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Nah, fuck that. If she had sick days they are hers to decide how to use em.

Uhh, no. Sick days are for when you're sick. Annual leave is for when you do stuff like this.

Christ, this platform beggars belief sometimes.

Are they separate for her? Does unused sick time get paid out like leave time if unused? Or do they have unlimited sick time?

I my experience with teaching in the U.S. sick days do get paid out at retirement. Teachers typically get 10 sick days a year and 3 personal days. The sick days stack but personal days turn to sick days after you have 5 banked.

People are treating you like an asshole for your heartlessness. But they're not giving you enough credit for also being an idiot.

She wouldn't have to have used sick days if this God damn country had basic worker rights and gave people vacation time. Oh and a side note, many companies will 100% fire you if you use your vacation days. Fuck the American work environment

No argument about that one, the way the states treats workers is shocking.

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