Hamas tells negotiators it doesn’t have 40 Israeli hostages needed for first round of ceasefire | CNN

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 106 points –
Hamas tells negotiators it doesn’t have 40 Israeli hostages needed for first round of ceasefire | CNN

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There are supposed to be 136 hostages in Gaza.

They are probably still there, check hospitals, community centres, school, emergency camps... you will probably find their corpses under all the rubble from Israeli fired American and British missiles.

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The criteria are for women and the elderly to be released. The majority of the remaining hostages are men of military age (as Israel has mandatory conscription, they are military personnel by definition).

So what happened to the old women and children? Sold into slavery? Dead?

Probably dead or unknown. Terror organizations aren't usually known for their record keeping.

Or blown up from the constant indiscriminate bombings of Israel. Thats also a possibility

And even when they try their best, it’s hard when a larger terrorist organization is actively trying to genocide them and bomb everything they know to rubble.

However then umber of dead they provide is constantly quoted.

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According to who?

The IDF?

Why would anyone be listening to them at this point? They lie constantly about damn near everything...

I mean this is publicly verifiable information in terms of who went missing on Oct. 7th. It would be foolish to lie about it.

I mean IDF has been dishonest certainly but this is something that has been thoroughly examined and vetted by this point. We would know if there were doubts about the number.

These events are also different because they are singular points in time—the lies serve to diffuse criticism until the public attention has faded so that less invested members of the public never learn the truth. So I’m not sure I agree they are foolish unfortunately, though there is of course a long term risk with using this tactic too often.

The hostage count is an ongoing thing. If they continued to stand by numbers that people are commonly discussing and have learned are incorrect, it would be much more embarrassing for them than the above incidents which are mostly forgotten by the general public, excepting perhaps the most recent one which did seem to break through a bit more.

No. Let's listen to Hamas and Qatar funded AlJazeera. They totally never lie to suit their own needs.

Well, OP linked a CNN article. And CNN says there aren't 40 noncombatant hostages...

So, no....

We don't have to just listen to Hamas or Israel.

Because Israel hasn't been able to kill every international journalist that investigated their genocide. They've killed a shit ton, but not all of them.

Demand was 40 hostages, but primarily non-combatant. Then fill the rest with the rest.


At least your honest about what kind of "negotiations" these are.

Israel made a demand that couldnt be followed, so they can say Hamas won't agree to cease fire.

You are really stretching logic here in order to justify your hate towards Israel or approval towards Hamas. Hamas kidnaps 100s of people, Israel wants 40 back and you say they are making unreasonable demands that can't be followed? What should they say... naah keep em for raping and playing? Consider it a token of good faith?

The Israeli prime minister’s office said Wednesday that of the 129 hostages from the October 7 attack currently held, 33 are dead.

So are you saying this article you posted contains misinformation? Or did you not read it?

At one point both Israel and Hamas seemed to agree that there were approximately 200 250 hostages.



An estimated 200 people, including 30 teenagers and young children and 20 people over the age of 60, are being held hostage in Gaza, Israel's public broadcaster Kan said on Thursday, citing military sources.

Hamas says it has 200 hostages and that 50 more are held by other armed groups in the enclave. It said more than 20 hostages have been killed by Israeli air strikes, but has not given any further details.

Edit: Wikipedia cites a slightly higher number


In November 2023, Palestinian militants held around 250 people from Israel, including Israeli nationals and non-Israelis following their capture during the Hamas-led attack on Israel.

Edit 2: my mistake, they corroborate their numbers (250)

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