Hamas tells negotiators it doesn’t have 40 Israeli hostages needed for first round of ceasefire | CNN

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 106 points –
Hamas tells negotiators it doesn’t have 40 Israeli hostages needed for first round of ceasefire | CNN

Article is way better than the headline...

The framework that has been laid out by negotiators says that during a first six-week pause in the fighting, Hamas should release 40 of the remaining hostages, including all the women as well as sick and elderly men. In exchange, hundreds of Palestinian prisoners would be released from Israeli prisons.

Hamas has told international mediators – which include Qatar and Egypt - it does not have 40 living hostages who match those criteria for release, both sources said.

CNN’s record of the conditions of the hostages also suggests there are fewer than 40 living hostages who meet the proposed criteria.

Hamas just hasn't been taking civilian noncombatants as hostages like Israel has been doing.

Most hostages are combatants, and that doesn't meet the details for this requirement

The majority of the almost 100 hostages who remain alive are believed to be male IDF soldiers or men of military reserve age.

Hamas just hasn't been taking civilian noncombatants as hostages like Israel has been doing.

Totally untrue

Where are Hamas getting them?

Like, do you think this is an actual war where both sides attack each other's territories?

Seriously, at what point in the last six months would Hamas have captured non combatants?

I am not here to give Israel a W, but Hamas still has a number of civilian captives from the original October 7 attack. Just not as many surviving as was assumed.

According to Israel's own figures, there are 90 or so living hostages and 30 or so bodies still held by Hamas IIRC. Apparently most of the 90 survivors are non-civilians, based on what Hamas is saying, but some of them still are.

According to Israel’s own figures,

But not according to anyone else's...

Israel has been flattening the entire area, they can't keep track of how many they kill, regardless of what country they're from.

But the article OP linked even says there aren't 40 noncombatants left....

CNN’s record of the conditions of the hostages also suggests there are fewer than 40 living hostages who meet the proposed criteria.

I'm not sure what you're not understanding about this.

Or why you're listening to Israel still

But the article OP linked even says there aren't 40 noncombatants left....

Right, I acknowledged that. It's just that no one knows who specifically is counted in the alive vs dead hostage statistics. It wouldn't surprise me if Israel purposefully set a number of civilians that they knew had likely already died, knowing that Hamas would not be able to comply with the request, to justify continuing the conflict.

According to Israel’s own figures

Therein lies the problem.

I would say take it with a grain of salt, but there's enough international scrutiny that I would say the list of missing is probably reliable enough. People in Israel are still protesting the Israeli government about that very frequently. Not everyone missing from October 7th has been returned, alive or dead. Many probably buried beneath rubble from IDF attacks, to be honest, since several were already confirmed killed by "friendly" fire.

Edit: to add, it is worth noting that Hamas is not the only group that participated in Oct 7 and took hostages. There are likely other hostages that they cannot account for because they were taken by other groups.

The hostages were taken on October 7th of last year. Try to keepup.

And they've been repeatedly bombed for the past several months, try to keep up.

Try to keepup.

I have...


Again, your own article says CNN knows there aren't 40 hostages left that aren't noncombatants.

Israel keeps taking civilians hostage, so they have enough.

Since 10/7 the only Israelis Hamas interacts with are combatants. They literally don't have enough hostages left for this deal, which is likely how the deal arrived at that number.

It's something that literally is impossible to comply with, and Israel gets to blame Hamas.

This ain't complicated bub. Your own source agrees with me.

You should read it

You only addressed half the statement. They are not saying that Israel doesn't take civilian hostages. They are questioning the claim that Hamas doesn't take civilian hostages. Follow the thread please.

Is there any evidence that Hamas has taken new hostages since October 7th? Because AFAIK there isn't.

A temporal attribute has not been included in this statement:

Hamas just hasn’t been taking civilian noncombatants as hostages like Israel has been doing.

But you have added a temporal qualifier:

taken new hostages since October 7th

I think maybe that's where the disconnect is? I don't know. I don't know who or what you're arguing against.

The temporal qualifier is inherent in the grammar of the statement. Perhaps you didn't notice it?

In English, the present perfect continuous has/hasn't been taking implies a frequent and repeated action since a fixed time in the past - in this case, presumably, the start of the current conflict until now.

Since Hamas only took civilian hostages on one occasion, i.e. October 7th, and not again since, it is not true to say that Hamas "has been taking hostages". They took hostages. Once.

Israel, on the other hand, have been taking Palestinian civilians captive, repeatedly, since October 7th. That's the difference.

You're inferring the start point for the perfect continuous and assigning Oct 7; I'm assigning the start point to be the overall conflict in a broader context. I'm being charitable. I might be wrong, but I can't read OPs mind so I'm being charitable.

In that case, they would have used the present simple, "Hamas don't take hostages", but they didn't.

I think you simply misunderstood the original statement.

I could be wrong. I'm happy to take the L. Not a hill I want to die on.

No you are changing the statement yourself. The statement is

Hamas just hasn’t been taking civilian noncombatants as hostages like Israel has been doing.

Israel is widely kidnapping mostly innocent civilians whereas Hamas very much targeted military for kidnapping.

This is as obvious as the lower than 2/3 civilian casualty rate for Hamas whereas israel has a far higher civilian casualty rate.

Sources? Do I even want your sources at this point....last time I asked for evidence you gave me a verbal statement by the prime minister and that was good enough in your book. You really don't need much convincing when the evidence aligns with your bias, do you?

Last time you got a source you denied reality and pretended that "no that doesn't count". I'm not sure why you are bringing this up it only makes you look bad.

Israel social security data reveals true picture of Oct 7 deaths

The final death toll from the attack is now thought to be 695 Israeli civilians, including 36 children, as well as 373 security forces and 71 foreigners, giving a total of 1,139.

I'm realizing that either your intentionally ignoring what I'm saying or English is not your first language.

Your standard of evidence was a quote by Benjamin Netanyahu

For honest people one off quotes do not constitute evidence.

So yes: I reject your standard for proof because it is very low

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You mean Israel went into negotiations making unreasonable demands? Like almost every other time?

Oh come on. What kind of "return elderly people, pregnant women and other feeble hostages" is unreasonable demand? What would be reasonable demand? Keep them forever. Abuse them?

Why do you think those people would have survived six months of sustained bombing?

If they cared about negotiations, they would have kept them save. Which apparently they don't. Now they don't have any leverage.

Kept them safe how? Do they have force fields?

They kept themselves safe. There are bunch of tunnels or they could say here's a hostage here don't bomb this place.

If Hamas is able to keep themselves save from six months of Israeli bombing, maybe Israel shouldn't have spent six months bombing Gaza and killing over 10,000 children.

So based on your own claims, Israel is far better at killing innocent people than Hamas could even hope to be.

Maybe they shouldn't have kidnapped and killed people in the first place if they didn't want retribution.

They are not getting the retribution based on your own claim.

Unless you think those 13,000+ children are all in Hamas.

Am never going to try to justify civilian deaths, because there's no justification. But the fact is if you kick hornets nest you'll get stung. You can't expect any country on this planet to ignore such an attack because if they do, they risk allowing such attack to repeat.

You say there's no justification and then you justify it in the next sentence by implying that it's Hamas' fault that all of those innocent children died.

Am not justifying am pointing out it's an expected outcome. I never said it was warranted or said it was okay.

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What are the demands of each side? Can we lay them out and compare? Or do we know already that Hamas demands are reasonable? Do we always have to take sides? I personally want what's best for the Palestinian people so I want a ceasefire and return to negotiations. But this partisan flailing isn't helping the cause. Unless of course we're ok sacrificing more Palestinians? I don't get it.

Do sides have to be taken in a negotiation?

I would say yes. That's the whole point of a negotiation.

Should we grant:

  • A. Both sides be reasonable?
  • B. Only Israel should be reasonable?
  • C. Only Hamas should be reasonable?
  • D. None of the above.

I just don't understand why you're calling out only one party?

Because one party is demanding something the other party says it doesn't have.

Problem I think is why they don't have them now if they had them at some point.

Unless they never had them to begin with; having people and now no longer having them points to killing them which, surprise, hurts negotiation.

Who knows though, Israel might of taken them for innocent Palestinians and did it to themselves :(

Unless it wasn't Hamas who killed them.

The IDF didn't put a magical force field around the hostages as they bombed the shit out of Gaza.

The IDF has already admitted to "mistakenly" killing hostages that had been released- https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/16/israeli-hostages-mistakenly-killed-in-gaza-were-had-a-white-flag-official

And those were the ones they were caught killing or even were aware themselves that were killed. How many more were killed?

Yeah, I'm not ruling out Israel unknowingly killing their own (or even knowingly I guess) but I think regardless if an explanation (that's true) by either was possible, it'd be better.

THEY SHOULD HAVE, but they said they don't. Some 130 people are still missing. That means they killed hostages. Plain and simple. The request was to return first 40 hostages which should include all the women, elderly and others in a need of care, then fill whatever is left up to 40 with men. Then negotiations can start.

So, there are no hostages anymore. They either raped them to death or tortured them to death. And now Israel's retribution will get even worse.

Or Israel killed them. Why isn't that a possibility? Did a force field go up around them while Israel bombed all the places they claimed were Hamas locations?

That's bullshit excuse. If I hold you in front of oncoming bullets, I killed you, not whoever shot the bullets. If you jump in front of a car you killed yourself. Driver didn't kill you.

Except Hamas didn't hold them in front of bullets, Israel intentionally targeted places they were likely to be held because they were going after Hamas with no regard for casualties.

Let's not forget they shot their own people who had escaped and were waiving a white flag while trying to get back to Israeli forces. Claiming Israel has killed their own people being held hostage isn't bullshit, it's literally a matter of record. And that's not even the only instance you can find being reported, there's a report from March 1st saying another 7 hostages were killed.

If you jump in front of a car you killed yourself. Driver didn't kill you.

What if the driver ran up on the curb to hit the guy next to you? That's absolutely the drivers fault.

Maybe...don't take hostages to begin with???

I got my bingo card. What's the right response?

  • Israeli occupation ergo hostages are justified.
  • Casualties of war.
  • Israel does the same.

I'm not justifying hamas' actions in the slightest. But let's not pretend that Israel isn't at fault for murdering the hostages we know about, or have decades long evidence of lack of care for Palestinian life. Those points alone are enough to destroy any notion that your above assertion is the most likely:

They either raped them to death or tortured them to death. And now Israel's retribution will get even worse.

Funny how zionists only ever talk about the possibility of Hamas intentionally killing the hostages, and never a peep about the hostages that Israel murdered in their negligent attacks on hamas.

That's a Bingo!

Israel does the same

Btw, that quote is not from me. You might have intended to respond to someone else.

We can. Hamas has been very clear. End the blockade. Remove troops from West Bank. Recognize a Palestinian state. Allow Palestinian refugees to return. Release Palestinians being held without charge. (hostages but with a nicer veneer)

Israel wants their people back.

Those are the two positions.

So from the "River to the sea" has been taken out of Hamas charter? What does their charter state as their key objective now?

The 1969 borders. They still vote to resist Israel but they did actually change the charter in 2018.

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Okay how about 25? 24 and 3 fingers?...wrong cartel! Sinaloa guys, we'll get back to you later... At! I meant at you later. Sorry I'm new at this negotiation shit. Let's start over.

Okay, my name is...is....hmmm.... Pedro. What's your name? And you said Carlos does have the two testicles? Okay okay. Look let's not do someth....he has only one testicle not? Not his testicle. Oh man, poor kid, listen guy, I was just pooping and I picked up the phone without checking, I think you got the wrong number. Yeah I'm real sorry. I hope you find Carlo's friends, I really do.

Racism, everybody.

Don't pepe pecas pica papas me! I can say that with my ass backwards any day. And if your up for it I can anti tarabitatongulate any plank that your best tarabitatongular has entarabintantigulated. This is something that only a brown person from my colloquial origins would understand. So if you would please allow me to make fun of my own people in a language other than my original one, I would admire you deeply.

Y so no, pus no. Pero si si si. Ni miercoles!

There are supposed to be 136 hostages in Gaza.

They are probably still there, check hospitals, community centres, school, emergency camps... you will probably find their corpses under all the rubble from Israeli fired American and British missiles.

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The criteria are for women and the elderly to be released. The majority of the remaining hostages are men of military age (as Israel has mandatory conscription, they are military personnel by definition).

So what happened to the old women and children? Sold into slavery? Dead?

Probably dead or unknown. Terror organizations aren't usually known for their record keeping.

Or blown up from the constant indiscriminate bombings of Israel. Thats also a possibility

And even when they try their best, it’s hard when a larger terrorist organization is actively trying to genocide them and bomb everything they know to rubble.

However then umber of dead they provide is constantly quoted.

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According to who?

The IDF?

Why would anyone be listening to them at this point? They lie constantly about damn near everything...

I mean this is publicly verifiable information in terms of who went missing on Oct. 7th. It would be foolish to lie about it.

I mean IDF has been dishonest certainly but this is something that has been thoroughly examined and vetted by this point. We would know if there were doubts about the number.

These events are also different because they are singular points in time—the lies serve to diffuse criticism until the public attention has faded so that less invested members of the public never learn the truth. So I’m not sure I agree they are foolish unfortunately, though there is of course a long term risk with using this tactic too often.

The hostage count is an ongoing thing. If they continued to stand by numbers that people are commonly discussing and have learned are incorrect, it would be much more embarrassing for them than the above incidents which are mostly forgotten by the general public, excepting perhaps the most recent one which did seem to break through a bit more.

No. Let's listen to Hamas and Qatar funded AlJazeera. They totally never lie to suit their own needs.

Well, OP linked a CNN article. And CNN says there aren't 40 noncombatant hostages...

So, no....

We don't have to just listen to Hamas or Israel.

Because Israel hasn't been able to kill every international journalist that investigated their genocide. They've killed a shit ton, but not all of them.

Demand was 40 hostages, but primarily non-combatant. Then fill the rest with the rest.


At least your honest about what kind of "negotiations" these are.

Israel made a demand that couldnt be followed, so they can say Hamas won't agree to cease fire.

You are really stretching logic here in order to justify your hate towards Israel or approval towards Hamas. Hamas kidnaps 100s of people, Israel wants 40 back and you say they are making unreasonable demands that can't be followed? What should they say... naah keep em for raping and playing? Consider it a token of good faith?

The Israeli prime minister’s office said Wednesday that of the 129 hostages from the October 7 attack currently held, 33 are dead.

So are you saying this article you posted contains misinformation? Or did you not read it?

At one point both Israel and Hamas seemed to agree that there were approximately 200 250 hostages.



An estimated 200 people, including 30 teenagers and young children and 20 people over the age of 60, are being held hostage in Gaza, Israel's public broadcaster Kan said on Thursday, citing military sources.

Hamas says it has 200 hostages and that 50 more are held by other armed groups in the enclave. It said more than 20 hostages have been killed by Israeli air strikes, but has not given any further details.

Edit: Wikipedia cites a slightly higher number


In November 2023, Palestinian militants held around 250 people from Israel, including Israeli nationals and non-Israelis following their capture during the Hamas-led attack on Israel.

Edit 2: my mistake, they corroborate their numbers (250)

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What is amazing is that there are some that are ever ready to quote numbers given by Hamas, when they can't even track 40 hostages.

CNN’s record of the conditions of the hostages also suggests there are fewer than 40 living hostages who meet the proposed criteria.


Even the source of the article you posted is wrong?

Did you even read the article or just the headline?

The look of a poker player that ran out of chips....

They've found bodies of hostages all the time. One just yesterday. I suppose you could do some math to estimate probability of who is living. Only Hamas would know,except they claim not to.

They're saying less than 40...

Which is what CNN is saying...

The only one saying more is Israel, and how the hell would they know when they've spent 6 months flattening everything?

Do you think they know when they blow up and kill Israelis?

Like, you think they're going in and sorting thru the rubble to check?

There's no logical reason Israel would have any idea.

Like, you've been saying we need to listen to Israel's numbers. You're still saying we have to...

And then this:

Only Hamas would know,except they claim not to.

There's no logical consistency, you're claiming two opposite things at the same time

The look of a poker player that ran out of chips…

Hamas made a statement like 1-2 months ago that said roughly said "If israel knew where the hostages were they would kill them all"

You are endorsing israel doing exactly that.

Ahh, yes, they aren't even hostages. hamas took them so they would be protected from Israel.

So would the argument then be if Hamas kidnaps all Israelis, Israelis would be better protected?

The argument is that israel is intentionally killing kidnapped israelis to remove leverage Hamas has over israel. And that he was endorsing israel doing that.

Hamas kidnapping all israelis would mean the IDF (somehow not being kidnapped) would try to kill all israels. Not sure how that makes them safer.

Okay. I just had never heard it suggested that it is actually Hamas keeping Israelis safe. Wanted to clarify I wasn't misunderstanding.