PSA: Nova Launcher is owned by an analytics company

Avid to – 1084 points –

Since a few folks seem unaware of this, I'm posting anew for visibility.


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If you aren't paying, you're the product.

Microsoft Windows addendum: even when you pay, you're the product.

PS: I know this goes for more than M$. They're just the easy target here on Lems.

What that means is Linux is spyware. So are pretty much every Foss project out there.

Yeah. It's a dumb statement because there are plenty of paid things that make you the product and plenty of free ones that don't.

Except FOSS explicitly implies the user is free (as in freedom, not 0$), and the software isn't a product or service, but a tool.

That line only applies when a non-free service or software that's supposed to be meant for profit doesn't have a clear money income. Don't compare "oh how generous is google for giving me free email and drive for no shady reasons at all" to "i host my own email and cloud using foss projects".

Also, windows is basically spyware with a bit of unoptimized OS on top and you still (should) pay for it.

it do be a dumb statement because it generalizes a lot but in propiertary software it msot often is true

Great point! Maybe I need to amend my statement to not include FOSS?