CEO Alarmed to Discover That Laying Off 1,500 Workers Had Consequences to – 569 points –
CEO Alarmed to Discover That Laying Off 1,500 Workers Had Consequences

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I like how the verb in the headline evolves every time I see this story. First he was surprised. Then he was shocked. Now he's alarmed. Maybe I'll check back tomorrow and learn he's horrified!


This just means "to insult". Not exactly interchangeable with "overcome with a negative emotion".

But yes, I fucking hate this kind of hyperbole in news headlines. The other one I see is blasts like somebody legit fired a Kamehameha wave at somebody else.

CEO slammed with negative emotions after realizing layoffs have consequences

Especially when these whole articles revolve around couple sentences in an earnings call which were basically "it had a bigger effect than we expected, but we're doing okay now." I'm sure as an excuse for lower than expected profits in that period.

It's just another example of news orgs running interference for a twenty-something dbag "entrepreneur"who has no idea how his business works.