We Don’t Need Warrior Cops Policing Campus Protests

gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 556 points –
We Don’t Need Warrior Cops Policing Campus Protests

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We Don’t Need Warrior Cops Policing Campus Protests

Fixed the headline

We Don't Need Warrior Cops Policing Campus Protests


Are you smoking crack? Just when I think people can't get any more liberal than Reddit...I'm introduced to Lemmy...

You're welcome to leave anytime. In fact, I would encourage it!

It’s not liberalism. There are ideologies further left than liberalism. Not that neo-liberalism is a left wing ideology at all.

We can still have sheriff's departments, augment them with a citizen militia or someshit that is conscripted at random. Cant be worse than LAPD or NYPD at minimum.

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Forgot to strike out "warrior" too

It’s a reference to warrior training, linked and explained above - its sweeping police training across the nation to think a candy bar is a reason to shoot a child and leading to misinformation about drugs like fentanyl to make cops have panic attacks at the mere sight of the stuff, sometimes even passing out.

No, we just need MORE cops, at least where I live...thanks to liberals and their "defund" movement...

The "defund" (aka, the move funding to more effective places) movement didn't get anything done almost anywhere. I don't know a single place where funding didn't end up going up. I'd recommend looking into it yourself, and also checking up on your media literacy to see if you are sufficiently critical of what they tell you to believe.

The point of the defund movement was actually generally pro-cop, in that cops shouldn't have to do every single job. They shouldn't have to be councilors, mental health care providers, and whatever else. We need all these random jobs to be done by people with proper training. We need cops when we need violence. That's what they're trained to do. We need to increase finding overall, but move some portion of the funding of cops elsewhere.

Again though, this didn't happen almost anywhere. I have heard of a few places that managed to set up groups that go in to de-escalate and calmly check out non-violent crimes being committed, but it's really rare. I don't think the funding of cops decreased in those places either.

I’ve seen one of these in action; I was walking to get coffee, and there was a homeless man on an open corner sitting down. The van showed up, and I hung around in case they had any issues.

They asked about him, asked if he was okay, asked if they could give him a ride anywhere, and said they had warm dry socks in the van if they could help him get somewhere. No judgement, no cajoling, no trick to force him to go to a shelter, though they did mention a few that could help him. I’d much rather see this than… oh let’s just say houston, where I saw a paramedic yell at a homeless guy and told him if he wanted to go to the hospital he had to walk 2 miles that way (out of his district) and call 911 again.

Yeah, it's definitely the fault of the people who are pushing for reform, and civilian oversight.

Staffing shortages couldn't possibly be because there are tons of cops who didn't want a bright light shined on their horrible, abusive behavior that they have been allowed to get away with, completely unchecked, since time immemorial....

What we need is to de-fang the police unions, force them into the same collective bargaining pools as the rest of the employees in their municipalities, like all the other EMS workers, and then make them accountable to the civilians they are policing so we find police who actually give a fuck about bettering their communities.

Like BLM? They turned out to be scam. I think most African Americans would agree that MORE police presence in their neighborhoods is needed, not less...just ask Oakland.

most African Americans would agree …

Another white guy deciding what African Americans want without bothering to ask them.

You really like collecting downvotes. You are very good at sharing bad opinions.

"You are very good at sharing opinions." FIFY

Hmm. No, I meant my comment to be subjective, as in, your opinions are bad within the scope of my viewpoint. I don't need it to be subjectively "fixed" to be a useless statement like how Twitter artists "fixed" animated characters. Hope you have a great day regardless.

It’s 2024. I can’t believe trumpers still don’t understand what that was all about.

I know what it was about...it was all talk, just like the BLM thing...nothing but people complaining about how horrible cops are because of a couple idiots....but please, by all means, keep telling everyone how they DON'T need to be funding the police that much...

Hilarious. This place needs some trolls to shake shit up.

Non-Liberal/democrat= Troll

I guess that's the way around here...just like Reddit.

Dude… you’re here purposeful disparaging a well known protest by calling it “nothing but people complaining.”

You don’t get it be the victim when you’re intention antagonizing people. You’re a fucking troll. Period. You don’t see people going to Tryth Social and whining about trumps Nazi rallies and then getting bent out of shape when they’re called out, do you?

Hey. I responded to you before this post was made with more information explaining more details about the movement. That comment now has a reply with a link to an article you might find informative. If you are actually open to more information, here's the link to the comment. You should for sure check the reply with the link.


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