Sucks to suck! to – 594 points –

Found in the wild in Tennessee


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And whoever put the lock on would have an even bigger laugh when they bill you for the damages.

Unless they can't prove you were the one who damaged it, or even that there was damage. "Well, shucks, officer, I just tried to drive away with it on and it just sort of fell off. Dunno what happened to it after that, not my problem. You should invest in better boots, or maybe train the guy who put it on better." (Bonus points if he's the one who put it on.) Meanwhile, you take the pieces with you, grind off any serial numbers, and drop them in the nearest large body of water whenever is convenient. Bob's your auntie.

edit: rofl @ all the people below trying to white knight for fucking meter maids.

"leave the poor step-up-from-mall-cop-on-a-segway alone!"

This is why they also put the giant notice on the driver's window.

"your property was no longer in my possession, and my car was no longer in your way. If you're saying I can bolt shit to your car if you park on my property and then sue you for damage when it flies off your car, I will keep this in mind when you come to serve me the summons."

you'll find that many people will decide you are not worth the effort to deal with.

I think you'll find the state doesn't give a shit about your "logic" and can simply refuse to renew your license. The police who arrest you for driving without that license will be equally uninterested.

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I've seen enough YouTube to know someone's gonna find it with a magnet on a fishing pole.

hence why we grind off serial numbers. If you really wanted to be thorough, you'd cut it up into unrecognizable chunks.

This all sounds much easier than paying a ticket

yes, getting the angle grinder out of the back of your vehicle is easier than calling and waiting for parking enforcement to unboot you, I'm glad you agree!

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FWIW I did this more than a statute of limitations ago, and seem to have gotten away with it.

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