Stop Arming Cartels Act makes it unlawful to make, sell, possess a rifle ‘capable of firing .50-caliber ammunition’ to politics – 117 points –

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Unless you're hunting Bigfoot, what in North America is big enough that you need a god damn .50 for?

(And if you are hunting bigfoot, your guns should be confiscated)

I don't care if it's needed or not. The state should not have a monopoly on violence. Under No Pretext.

Liberals, and I count myself as one, always bring this "need" argument. Meanwhile, there is no other right where they would question need.

I have shitloads of guns I don't "need". The vast majority are for fun. Even the more practical guns are mostly for fun.

Know why? Because I can do that if I want to. The 2A exists and the courts have historically upheld it. That's one sentence, two facts.

While we're at it, let's question why the largest gun purchasing demographic "needs" guns. Ya know, women, minorities and LGBT folks. Go ask them.

Also, "The fascists are coming! Disarm yourselves! And if it's not too much trouble, we'd like the government to know exactly who owns what." (In case Trump wins again!?)

Great! Nukes for everybody!

Well I want a tank

If you ever watch the movie Oppenheimer, it used used a lot of poetic license. You know where he was when the bomb went off? In a tank, with extra steel. He motored out to ground zero and remotely took a soil sample.

Desert eagle in .50 ae will take down a bear or alaska

.50 would take down a rabbit, too. But you could do the same with a .22 and actually have a body to recover. It's still overkill even on a grizzly or moose.

You clearly haven't been hunting ever...there is literally a season that's just muzzleloader rifles and they're almost always 50cal.

I hunt semi-regularly. I just don't use a god damn .50 for it because it's totally unnecessary and I don't wanna lug a gun that big around.🤦‍♂️

That dumbass Desert Eagle y'all got after seeing The Matrix or the Barret to pretend to be God from NAVY seals just be burning a hole in your holster. You wanna see some shit explode. You wanna have fun. You wanna exercise your rights as an American. Don't tell me you need it for hunting.

The 2nd isnt for hunting, I have a DE, it's a collection piece and comes out when people want to shot it. It's a completely waste of a gun. Its two big and way to heavy for anything daily carry. And no one I know carries one, hell I highly doubt anyone really carries one. They're not cheap either. And 50cal muzzleloader season is just fine for hunting, it seems most of you got your knowledge about 50cal from movies... it's a large round but it's not going to blow a deer apart.

For a muzzleloader hunting, the firearms are generally not designed for use with smokeless powder. The higher pressures generated could cause fatal failures. Generally, "real" black powder or a black powder substitute like pyrodex is used. These both burn more slowly and generate less pressure than modern smokeless powder, resulting in lower muzzle velocities.

In order to hunt ethically (not to mention legally), this necessitates taking the "classic" approach of throwing a bigger bullet to make up for the impact of velocity on the muzzle energy. Hornady's data shows that it takes a .50 caliber, 250gr bullet to reach the muzzle energy of a .308 caliber, 175gr load.

I'm someone who owns a few guns and even I think owning .50 cal guns is stupid.

The ammo is stupid expensive, it kicks like a cladsdale, and there's nothing you can hunt (legal or otherwise) here that would require it.

People also don't know how gigantic and heavy these kind of rifles are. They are mainly to kill vehicules and equipment.

They are mainly to kill vehicules and equipment.

Yeah, not really. Vast majority of .50 cal rounds got expended providing enfilade fire or just locking the T&E to absolutely ravage some poor fuckers at a stand off their small arms can’t hope to deal with. I still nut when I hear “when the long axis of the beaten zone coincides with the long axis of the target”.

I know I’ve fired SLAAP rounds at people through walls more times than I ever fired a fifty at vehicles, and I was specifically on a CAAT team.

I'm not surprised with current wars it ends up being used like that but it was originally intended to destroy materiel. Its grandpa used to kill tanks in early WW2 but they got too armored.

Actually the development of .50 cal and 13.2mm are completely unrelated, .50 cal wasn't used for disabling tanks and development of a gun to use it (the Browning machine gun) wasn't finished until WW1 ended.

Muzzleloader season....they hunt deer with 50cal. Its not anything like what you think it is.