Microsoft Rule to – 805 points –

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I don't get the hate for this. It's just browser history but for your whole PC. The number of times this would have saved people from losing important documents or unfucking things they did wrong up to this point makes me wonder how they never thought of this before now.

The whole PC isn’t a browser, there are things that I don’t want saved every few seconds, with potentially sensitive details. Bank or medical info is a bit different than having a link to a webpage. And no, I don’t believe all this will stay local. Even if not straight away, it will eventually be sold to advertisers one way or another

I definitely don't want Microsoft reading my Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy erotica fanfiction, that's shit is between me, not God, and kinky Marvin.

"For as massive as it was, even Marvin with his planet sized mind couldn't pinpoint the exact moment the pain in the diodes down his left side turned to pleasure. The safe word remained well behind his moist lips"...

Pure gold.

I've been seeing that comic for so long, and I've just realised I got the narrative backwards. I always thought the person handing the item over in the first panel was the plagiarist, and the person receiving it was saying "you made this?" in confusion, then waiting a moment and acknowledging that yes, they have just been given back the thing they made and told someone else made it.

Now I realise it's probably meant to be read that the original maker is on the left, and the plagiarist on the right is just waiting till they're gone to take credit for it.

I think that says a lot about your character though. You'd be sad someone took it from you, but you'd move on. Whereas someone else may see the world as a darker place where everyone is trying to steal what little they've created.

I think your interpretation tells me you're an amazing person.

I'm torn between saying, "I think that's a bit of a stretch," and saying, "Why thank you, you're absolutely right, and very insightful too."

The subtle clue is the hat the first guy's wearing, like he just made it in his workshop. At least, I think it's a hat!

If files on your hard drive are sold to advertisers, they don't need to bother with uploading screenshots.

I think this is key. There’s many ways Microsoft can provide your data without literally providing it. For example, they can build a profile about you and sell that instead.

Are you sure I shouldn't just ask Microsoft to pretty please keylog everything I do on any computer ever? I mean that seems reasonable to me that seems like what a reasonable corporation would do. \s

OK but my whole browser history doesn't get sent to Microsoft to be processed by an AI.

it's on-device

Assuming they don't quietly change that, and assuming they can even be trusted in the first place.

running locally using dedicated hardware in snapdragon cpu is kinda the whole point of the thing though.

also it's not really going to work otherwise, think about it for a second. How useful is a "recall" feature that only remembers moments where you were connected to the internet? also processing such a huge amount of data online is not a feasible task.

also the whole point of the locked down "ai" features (and windows 11 itself lol) is to boost hardware sales. they're not going to make it work on other devices through the "cloud" at least for that reason alone.

They'll have a smorgasbord of data and an AI to process it. If it's not monetized from the start it will be, they're just normalizing it, easing the tip in.

I created an Excel spreadsheet 10 years ago on my laptop. I never agreed to upload it.
I can see it on my phone right now.

because you saved it into onedrive?
which is the default save location in ms office unless you switch it to local (it's not like it uploads stuff automatically tho, it's just the default folder it shows you)

^device may vary and is not necessarily the device owned and operated by the end user. Microsoftℒ️ and its subsidiaries and partners reserve the right to change and or modify your data at any point without prior notice and in providing this service may process relevant and non relavent user data at or nearby remote locations. Color may vary. Your statutory rights are unaffected.^

They have thought of it before. Autosaving, backup, restore functions that regularly took snapshots of your drive and saved it just in case some shit happened, etc. This is just another thing they can slap AI on and claim is innovating when it really isn't.

So is this like that Time Capsule thing that apple used to do (maybe still does)? I think I'm OOTL.

Like that, but filtered through an AI.

Features: questions like "Hey, where's that file I worked on last week", "What was that recipe I found the other day" or "hey can you pull up a copy of this document from 3 days ago so I can compare them" all work. Its nice to be able to just do that, and you can apply all the normal AI editing things to them, too. They're all available.

Downside: a black box AI system the user doesn't have full control over has the right to record literally everything you do on your computer. They promise its local, for now, but not only is Microsoft not trustworthy in that regard, even if they're honest we don't know if or when they'll change that policy. I would not be surprised if the next step was "A small amount of none identifiable information is transmitted to our servers" snuck in, and they used that permission to have Microsoft Recall answer queries for advertisers directly, technically without ever identifying you. Advertisers could directly ask your own computer for all the info they'll ever need.

And, yes, Mac still has Time Machine. Linux has its own version, too. Both are very handy and I've used them each personally. In my personal opinion, a basic search with time machine does enough of Microsoft recall's job that I'm not going near it, but honestly at least you're getting functionality out of them selling your data, so it could be worse.

I see... I'm not sure that I like that. It sounds convenient though, so it'll almost certainly stick.

It'll stick anyway because Microsoft is not about to let all that data go. It's great for training better AI and for advertising, and those seem to be the only businesses in big tech lately.

"it's local, for now"
running locally is kinda the whole point of the thing

Time Machine (which is an excellent feature on macOS btw and isn't advertised nearly enough by Apple), but Recall sounds more like an automatic clipboard history that saves more than just text and copied images, not something that lets you roll back to a previous state.

I came across for macos a year ago and have wanted something like this for windows/linux ever since. As long as this is all processed on-device as promised, I'm super excited and it might actually be enough to get me to upgrade from Windows 10 to 11. Except I think it requires an NPU which afaik my ~epic gamer pc~ doesn't have, so maybe in the future.