Trump classified documents judge is target of more than 1,000 complaints, appeals court reveals to politics – 785 points –
Trump classified documents judge is target of more than 1,000 complaints, appeals court reveals

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And it is going to get overturned on appeal. It was an obvious political trial with a judge that donated to Biden, his daughter was bringing in millions because of the trial and the prosecutor ran for office pledging to take down Trump. That's why Trumps bringing in record donations from small donors now.

And I'm sure you're equally as concerned about the conflict of interest from a judge that Trump appointed overseeing one of his trials, right? Surely you are of the opinion that Cannon should have recused herself at the very beginning, right?

Absolute dumbass commentary. The jury decided the case, not the judge. Trump literally had no defense to the allegations other than bald denials. The evidence that he did the crimes was written in paper and undeniable.

You're just buying everything the MSM is selling, hook line & sinker. They wouldn't let Trump have much of a defense. They wouldn't even let an expert witness testify for the defense. And sure, the jury decides the case based on the instructions given by the judge and this is the only time a judge has ever given instructions like the ones in this case. You really don't know much about the justice system if you believe that the judge in a case doesn't play a major role in how a case is decided.

I don't watch "MSM." I read legal filings.

Maybe you should learn to read.

I am an attorney, a trial lawyer.

Yeah, but you didn’t read this particular article posted on a random website by a guy who said he totally knows, and that makes him more qualified than all of us here.

Dude, you're in a cult. And your leader is a criminal.

Where are you getting information from?

Superpatrioteagle50caljesus dot com only has the best news.

Tune in tomorrow for how we explain how NASA spies on your poop!

I read the instructions, so I guess the judge in this case

No, that's not correct. You are receiving delusional propaganda about disallowing expert witnesses from somewhere. Where is that from?

Bradley Smith was definitely allowed to testify as an expert, but the defense declined to call him. Here, since you like pretending to have read things direct from the court. He was not allowed to show up and instruct the jury, which is the same as decided in the prior cited cases in NY and OH.

Where is your delusional propaganda from? The things you are claiming are lies that Donald has been tweeting. So perhaps your delusions are coming direct from the source: a lifelong con man and fraud who committed election interference in 2016.

"I direct you back to page three of my decision," Merchan said, reiterating that Brad Smith could testify as to what the FEC is, its purpose, background, what laws if any FEC is responsible for enforcing and general definitions and terms that relate to this case, including contribution and expenditure. So he was only allowed to testify the definition, purpose, and backround of the FEC which would be pointless really.

Here, just read Brad Smiths own words and you'll see why the defense didn't call him. The judge wouldn't let him explain the law...he would only let him give a general definition.....

No, that's an MSM. I don't want any news from a lying MSM.

Don't know what to tell you. It's his own words so if you'd rather it be someone else speaking for him then go for it

No, the article is clear he was allowed to discuss facts about the law, he was disallowed from presenting his opinions as if they were facts. So they declined to have him.

You are delusional and in a cult, which is why you won't explain where you are getting your information from. You are getting it from liars and other cult members.

Don’t a lot of people run for office on a platform of arresting and convicting people who commit crimes, though? Or am I missing something?

What's it like living in your world?

You Americans are fucking wild right now. I hope you have a civil war to sort this shit out proper, like you did with slavery.

Yeah, that won't happen, they've got such a stranglehold on surveillance in this country, it would never get off the ground and things are just going to get worse. Most younger people and some older people to either keep their face buried into their phones on Facebook or Tiktok propaganda machines or they just buy into everything the MSM tells them so until we fix that stuff there's really no hope of things getting better