One of the world's richest women will support Trump if he promises to back Israel annexation of the West Bank to World – 440 points –
Will Miriam Adelson Spend Her Billions on Trump Again?

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He means this Biden

Israel announces largest West Bank land seizure since 1993 during Blinken visit

March 22, 2024 - Israel’s far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, announced the seizure of 10 square kilometers (3.8 square miles) of Palestinian territory in the West Bank on Friday. The move marks the single largest land seizure by the Israeli government since the 1993 Oslo accords, according to Peace Now, a settlement watchdog group.

You mean the one who DIDN'T approve of those actions? Unlike Trump who explicitly revoked a policy against the settlements?

Okay so? Does Biden impose sanctions on israel now? Stop funding their Genocide?

Notice my article being newer than yours.

The only difference between Biden and Trump is lip service.

I don't need the weekly Biden gaslight lip service I've already read it.

Biden is inviting Netanyahu over to speak in Congress so the uniparty can bow down to their glorious leader. He is not sanctioning israel and is continuing to send them weapons. Only some big bombs got held up but he made sure to send israel enough smaller ones. Weapon experts have left his administration over Bidens violations of weapons laws.

Biden has also rejected the ICC warrant already. Him not sanctioning the ICC barely makes a difference. You are truly looking for the smallest of differences here which says a lot about Biden.

Even if Biden should do more, you're deliberately pretending Trump's record on this is unknown to be able to pretend they're the same. I know you know how bad he is, and you're lying about it.

Biden is supporting the literal Genocide of Palestinians. If we go by pure track record Trump would be miles ahead of Biden as he is not the person sending weapons to israel for Genocide.

But granted that Trump would likely do the exact same thing as Biden is doing right now if he actually was in charge, it's still pretty impossible for Trump to do much worse than Biden.

And Trump is cheering the genocide on so he can give his son-in-law the beach front property once all the Palestinians are dead.

Yes indeed. And Biden is receiving AIPAC money from said son-in-law as well.

Are we seeing a pattern yet?

So his old article doesn't count because it's too old, and the new one doesn't count because you say so?

Fuck off with that.

His old article doesn't count because Biden isn't sanctioning israel after they commit the crimes Biden would find so appaling in my newer article.

His newer article proves my point. Biden wagged his finger before and subsequently did nothing. New finger wagging articles from Biden mean nothing because there is no action to back it up.

How can Biden keep warning israel about consequences if he never imposes said consequences when his warnings are violated?

You mean you've already decided before reading it because your opinion isn't based on reality but a hunt for reasons to hate Biden

I've already read and debunked that trash when it was posted. Biden is 100% lip service 0% action.

We are talking about the biden that is only talking peace deal to save his election. We all know he wont follow through with it and Israel has already said they dont approve.

Politicians are mostly assholes. We got this one to move in the right direction.... his opponent is still advocating for "ending the war quick" and would likely start sending over war-crime munitions.

Out of one side of his mouth, Biden talks about peace out of the other side of his mouth, he talks about sending more money and weapons. One side is lying and it's not the side about sending money and weapons

We got this one to move in the right direction

What direction is that, he didn't listen when they said defund cops, didn't listen when we said universal healthcare, didn't listen when we sent cease fire, didn't listen when we said expand marginalized rights.

So what direction did you move them?

edit sp

Can you provide a link to this "save his election" Idea? I'm having a hard time finding anything that's communicating his thoughts about that.

Any of his useless pandering that produces a headline, and no results.

Yes, the one that has said for 50 years he will always support Israel no matter what...

Like,remember when he had that falsified report claiming no evidence American weapons had been used in the genocide?

He said that was why he could keep providing munitions...

Then there was an indisputable evidence of American munitions used in Raffah...

And he's done...

What exactly?

Besides continuing to break US and international law by providing munitions used in a genocide.

Biden can draw asany lines as he wants, Bibi seems to enjoy leaping over them immediately. And it's not like Biden has anything else he could be doing.


Did you even read that two sentence article?

It doesn't really provide any info, so not sure why you're linking it.

But Biden's "deal" is literally what Israel wants, it's not even a permanent deal...

And Hamas isn't accepting that, they accepted a deal that leads to a permanent ceasefire, not a 6 week pause.

That's what Biden is pushing, Hamas gives up everything, and Israel tries to avoid killing civilians for a month and a half.

Did you read about the Trump peace deal (organized via his kids!), which would require only Palestinians to make concessions, giving up land, giving up freedoms, being subject Israel's security forces, giving them no rights, and which gave all power to Israel (and which obviously fell through)?

Biden applies political pressure on Netanyahu to push for ceasefire:

Trump plans to pressure Palestinians:

The plan proposed a series of Palestinian enclaves surrounded by an enlarged Israel,

Netanyahu announced that the Israeli government would immediately annex the Jordan Valley and West Bank settlements while committing not to create new settlements in areas left to the Palestinians for at least four years. U.S. Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman claimed that the Trump administration had given permission for an immediate annexation, stating that "Israel does not have to wait at all"

The plan itself places no conditions on Israel with regard to proposals to "annex parts of the West Bank".[8]

The plan puts the Palestinians on probation, establishing a set of conditions they must meet and adopting Netanyahu's view that a shrunken Palestinian entity will be a state in name only; Israel will control of its borders, air space, electro-magnetic spectrum, foreign policy and security

Biden has helped clear away 115 sq miles of Gaza land for Trumps kids. Its fucking insane how groups if people will overlook whats actually happening and be terrified of what might happen,

Have you seen Trump's history of actions? It's not what "might" happen, it's a certainty he'll make it worse

Yes, and I've also seen Biden's history of actions, evidence that neither one of them represents the working class.

Biden who canceled tons of student debt and supported unions, not supporting the working class?

Do you favor the Trump who supported companies above unionizing workers?

Appearing for an arranged photo op doesn't make him anymore union than Trump's photo op at a church with a Bible made him Christian. Biden still answers to capital first and leaves us with table scraps.

Are you Russian?


It's bad when trump supports a genocidal regime...

It's bad when Biden supports a genocidal regime...

Now, here's the big one. Get up and stretch, take a nice long deep breathe.


It's bad when literally fucking anyone supports a genocidal regime.

Here's another big one:

If you excuse Dems for doing something because trump does it too, then if you don't slow down and look around, you're going to be supporting someone just like trump, because republicans found some asshole even worse.

Republicans won't magically get better

I don't excuse the dems, but you refuse to accept that Trump is 10 000x worse

Netanyahu would not be angry at Biden for his demands if Biden was fine with everything they do.

Netanyahu would not prefer to have Trump back if the two were equal.

but you refuse to accept that Trump is 10 000x worse

No I don't, because he obviously is.

It's just neither of them are good enough to be president.

Like,you know there's not really a valid reason to run unpopular neoliberals just because trump is in office right?

We could just runnwhat Dems historically do very very well with:

A young charismatic person running a progressive campaign.

There is literally no reason to be running someone the majority of registered Dem voters don't want to be president, just because they don't want the Republican.

How does that system make any logical sense?

How will shit ever improve?

Ok, then tell me who that candidate is who can win instead of Biden.

I'm waiting.

I am not super fond of Biden, and wouldn't mind seeing him replaced. But my top priority is harm reduction, and switching to a candidate who can't beat Trump would send USA into turmoil

Elizabeth Warren for one

Pretry much any Dem from the house or Senate too.

Something tells me that if Warren was the option you'd still have a litany of complaints about why you weren't going to vote for her

I didn't catch what you said. Is Elizabeth Warren running for president?

If your top priority was harem reduction you wouldnt be supporting the one causing the most harm right now. And not just Palestinians, us included

Are you saying Biden personally is causing the most harm, and that Trump wouldn't cause more? Or do you think it's irrelevant that acting as you suggest would make things worse?

I don't disagree he's handled it bad, but your options are between pressuring him to do better or Trump wrecking everything he gets his hands on

If you haven't realized it, there is no 'pressuring Biden' I'm not saying that Trump would cause more harm or Biden is causing more harm. Harm is harm. People are dying. People are being starved. It doesn't matter who is doing it, right now the greater evil is Biden. He is the one actively engaging in killing and starvation of people. If people would move beyond the bullshit concept of lesser evil and simply accept no evil, then we might be able to progress as a country.

If you haven't noticed both of them work in tandem to benefit the wealthy against the needs of the working class

Which world do you live in

Sounds like BS bothsidesisms

There are no both sides being used they are on the same side. Us vs Them

You spin me right round baby right round, like a broken record right round

The Biden who had nothing to do with this article but you felt the need to bring up just to shit on anyway?

We all get it dude, you hate Biden. You can stop mentioning it in every fucking thread.