‘Head Up Their Ass!’ Marjorie Taylor Greene Melts Down Over ‘Feckless, Useless Republican Party’

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 232 points –
‘Head Up Their Ass!’ Marjorie Taylor Greene Melts Down Over ‘Feckless, Useless Republican Party’

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Oh god MTG and I have something in common. We think the republican party has their head up their ass.

Heartbreaking: the worst bleach-blonde bad-built butch-body you know just made a good point.

Plenty to attack without using her appearance.

I mean she started it, it's a response from another Congresswoman after MTG attacked AOC's appearance.

(Shout out to the remixes of Bleach Blonde Bad Build Butch Body on soundcloud)

It wasn't AOC's appearance that was attacked. AOC just jumped to her (Jasmine Crockett's) defense after MTG attacked Crockett. Crockett, then, fired back at Greene.

Thanks for the clarification, I only saw an abridged clip of MTG's original comment and AOC looking frustrated, so I thought the comments were towards her and not Crockett.

This is a pun related to statements made during a recorded session. They're not actually making fun of her appearance, but her behavior related to calling out another's appearance.

How the fuck can the universe allow us to agree with this lump of flesh?

I feel like a lot of people don't. It's just so insane it makes the news whenever she word vomits. She thrives on the controversy. I think deep down she knows she's in too deep and just keeps doubling down. I kinda wish she'd have a aneurysm in the middle of a foaming at the mouth rant.

It can't be good for blood pressure, I'm sure mental disorders compound always being that angry. Someone should do some digging and see if she was a resident of Elan School.

I wouldn't care if their heads were just up their own asses. It's their insistence on putting their heads up my ass that I take issue with.

Except its about impeaching Biden. So, you know, we agree with them on not following through on that one.

How I feel about this whole tirade is summed up well by Buck:

“ The Constitution says Congress shall count the votes. Doesn’t say Congress may overturn an election result. It doesn’t say Congress can do whatever the heck it wants with this election. ‘Shall count the votes,’ that’s what the Constitution says. In her CrossFit class maybe they didn’t cover that,” Buck told a local radio show

" And it also, the Constitution, also says that, you know, the impeachment of a president shall be based on treason, high crimes, and misdemeanors. It doesn’t say it’s a political exercise and we hope the Senate does the right thing."

If a Congressional House Majority announces "Trump won liberals can go pound sand", what exactly are the liberals going to do about it? Beg the Supreme Court to beg the House leadership to stop saying Trump won?

At some level, the political system is about people obeying other people. Democracy creates an aura of legitimacy to an individual assuming office, but dictatorship has its own means of asserting control. Should the House Majority have enough governors on board and a SCOTUS majority swears him in and the police/national guard are MAGA pilled already, who exactly stops Trump from waltzing into office, kicking up his shoes on the Resolute desk, and announcing "I'm President now"?

That's assuming we're in an uncontested election and House Reps tell the electoral college to piss off. If there's any room for doubt as to who won the election, we're right back at Bush v Gore, with a Republican court majority announcing the winner and the House simply rubber stamping the results.

Don't get complacent. The correct answer should always be "I couldn't care less what that MTG crazy turd has to think or say."