In June of all months... (Rule)

Maven (famous) to – 772 points –

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No, that's a person who always believes they're sick. You're thinking of hemophiliac.

No thats when someone's blood doesnt clot and they bleed to death from a paper cut.

You're thinking of homosapiens.

No that's humans. You're thinking of homeostasis.

No, that's self-regulating body temperature. You're thinking of herpetology.

No, that’s the study of amphibians and reptiles. You’re thinking of horticulture

No, that's the art and science of raising plants. You're thinking of hors d'oeuvres.

No, that's European cuisine. You're thinking of homesickness

No. That's being far from home and missing it. I believe you meant homeopathy.

No, that's a medical pseudoscience. You're thinking of heliosphere

you're mistaken, since that term refers to the outermost atmospheric layer of the Sun. the term you might want to use here is "histogram".

I believe your statement might contain a slight imprecision, as a histogram is a bar graph displaying the frequency distribution of some value. Did you perhaps mean to say "homogram"?

It seems like we ran into a misunderstanding, because a homogram is a type of poem. I believe the term you were looking for is haplotype.

This that thing where if you want the right answer you just post the wrong answer on the Internet.

It's called Ohms Law

Nah, ohm's law is one of the fundamentals of electrical theory. V = I R

voltage = current x resistance

You're thinking of Murphy's law.