Internet forums are disappearing because now it's all Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying. to – 1444 points –
Los foros de internet están desapareciendo porque ahora todo es Reddit y Discord. Y eso es preocupante

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There was a story recently about a depressing number of web domains disappearing. Everybody just gravitates to the big corporate sites now, and it makes the internet ecosystem boring and less diverse.

It's the equivalent of Walmarts running every mom & pop store out of town.

That, and hosting & domains got expensive. It used to be a trivial cost to have a website, now the prices are all "introductory offers" with asterisks.

I'd say yes but it also really depends where you go. I used to host at DigitalOcean, it was expensive af for like no hardware at all. Now I use Hetzner instead and it feels reasonable, especially their server auction.

I'm just renewing a domain I don't want used for something else at this point. I'm not even paying for hosting.

Really? I'm paying $2 a month for hosting. Maybe you have bigger needs then

I use a free subdomain because I don't have professional needs

$2?! I hope that you're paying for a server as well. My domain only charges me €8 a year!

It's for the server, I don't have a domain, I use a free subdomain

You nailed it, it's just like the Walmart effect making small businesses fizzle out. We'll call it the EnWalmartication of the Internet

I’m kinda split on it tbh.

On one hand, we have a literal ip spacing crisis - mainly because there’s bajillions of arguably repetitive content among other non scrupulous stuff.

On the other hand, having a niche community has its pros.

Totally agree with your analogy of Walmart though - but then there’s also things like FediNet which basically let people use a standard framework to hve their niches.

It’ll be interesting to see what the future brings

The IP space consideration is nonsense. You can put many small sites behind a single IP. Bigger sites end up needing tons of their own+cdns, etc.

That and IPv6 is a thing.

On one hand, we have a literal ip spacing crisis

I've been hearing about the IPv4 shortage for ages... hasn't happened yet.

And IPv6 exists. If even a portion of large orgs switch to IPv6 for their internet exposed interfaces, the "problem" goes away.

(I've been hearing about the shortage since 1995...and it hasn't happened. Large orgs will always find a way to resolve issues like this that affect them).

No, it's happened. You basically can't buy IPv4 addresses any more. Want to start up a hosting company or ISP? Better hope you know someone willing to sell, or you're going to be paying through the nose to a broker.

AWS lightsail just increased prices for ipv4 instances, while ipv6 only is the old price