Mike Lindell officially loses all his lawyers in $5M 'Prove Mike Wrong' cyber challenge

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 655 points –
Mike Lindell officially loses all his lawyers in $5M 'Prove Mike Wrong' cyber challenge

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What I find fascinating is the total number of numbskulls and cartoon villains, all collected under the Trump banner, and that lunatic mob may very well take government.

What's the hell wrong with American voters?

They are in a conservative news bubble or they don't pay much attention to things that don't directly affect them and attribute those that do to the wrong party. Or they're just greedy or racist. Or stupid.

Take your pick, mix and match.

Southern Strategy and decades of Fox News.

True. I'm gonna go out on a limb and add another reason: Money in politics.

When I was a kid, if a politician was accused of taking bribes, they would fall over themselves to deny the accusation. Later, the politician would simply reply, "It was pay for access, not a bribe."
Now, they don't even respond to such accusations. Bribes are so normalized that we don't even notice them anymore.

(For the pendants, yes there are pols that are occasionally punished for literally accepting bribes, some recently. My point is that there is little difference between literally accepting money and storing it in a freezer and having several billionaires fund your re-election campaign with dozens of legal loopholes.)

This allows The Rich to have a very heavy hand on the tiller for which way elections go. If rich folks weren't pouring big money into elections (corporations are people too!) I'm willing to bet at least one political party in the US would be dead now.

My coworker is going to vote for Trump because gas prices went up in the last 4 years.

I think you need to be intentionally naive, or just an absolute shitbag, to want to vote for lower gas prices at the cost of increased human suffering. Let alone whether it's something Trump could even deliver.

Also, consider what was going on 4 years ago: COVID. Gas prices went up because people are using their vehicles again , and because of that, oil isn't in the negatives and gas prices rise.

Same thing with inflation. People weren't buying as much crap during COVID. After that, corporations wanted some of that lost revenue so they raised prices and/or shrunk content. Then others followed suit due to need or greed. They all just went further than they needed too to up their profits.

thats not why he's voting for trump

Well that’s the public reason they are voting for Trump.

The private reason is that they are a boot licking fascist.

i think it is the reason that their voting for trump, not because they're stupid, but because they have the entitlement to think that gas prices should be lower even though clearly they haven't dissolved in bankruptcy yet.

What’s the hell wrong with American voters?

Rage at a system that doesn't work and dreaming of being a person who doesn't have to apologize for anything. There is a reason why crime movies, games, and TV shows are so popular. It isn't that most people want to be going around murdering all day, it is they want to be able to.