AOC says many who want Joe Biden off ticket also want to remove Kamala to politics – 506 points –
AOC says many who want Joe Biden off ticket also want to remove Kamala

This stupid topic again

But sure


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I would vote for any viable candidate not Trump. I would prefer not Biden and not Harris. In fact I’d prefer a sane Republican… but there seems to be a distinct lack of them.

I’d vote for AOC though. She reminds me of the principled republicans of yore, albeit with different views

In fact I’d prefer a sane Republican…

This is a trap. Even with a "sane" Republican in office, the administration will still work to accomplish the policy goals of the GOP.

Yup, Project 2025 is not just Trump and a few MAGA extremists, it's signed off on by all the right-wing think tanks. If people want to avoid Project 2025 they need to make sure Republicans are out of power for multiple election cycles at a minimum.

How about implementing Ranked choice voting so there is a chance Republicans would vote for a more moderate group of people ?

I'm all for ranked choice, there's no real downside. I think though that Republicans, rather than become less extreme, would simply challenge ranked choice when it started to benefit the left. They are actually doing this now in Alaska, where there is ranked choice voting and they're trying to make it illegal with a ballot initiative.

They'd have to have their judicial power reduced I think. With the extremist supreme court there isn't much in the regard that would stand I don't think. Could be wrong though.

Yes, this. No Republicans at all should be allowed into office. Ever. Don't let them fool you, the agenda marches on regardless if they are "moderate" or "reasonable" or not.

Basically all sane republicans have been pushed off the national stage in the last 8 years.

There's never really been such a thing. Anyone who would be an old school republican today has just become an obstructionist right-wing democratic, so arguably worse than a Republican because they sabotage from the inside.

Besides McCain, which notable sane republican existed in the Obama era?

Pre-Obama we were dealing with the Bush-era neocons.

They haven’t been sane for at least the last twenty years.

Compared to today's Republicans, I'd argue Mitt Romney was relatively sane, though he's still quite problematic.

Sane in a, "I'm a total Mormon and all the shit that comes with that" type way. I blame the Bible belt for mainstreaming mormonism.

Oh for sure, and he was very deep into Mormonism too, but at least he's not an out-and-out Nazi and has been very vocally against Trump.

Which ones were sane in the Ronnie Raygun era? Most of the Bush team were retreads from those days.

I would not say they were "sane" per se, it's just that they've been replaced by even more overt bare-faced extremists. The Overton window on what is extremely right wing keeps getting pushed more and more to the right. A loud mouth performative asshole they believe is beyond punishment due to his "billions" has given them a permission structure to be who they always really wanted to be. These are the people that didn't understand that Archie Bunker was supposed to be a parody, not a hero.

In fact I’d prefer a sane Republican

I can't think of a single one. Even the ones that pretended to be sane and were pushed out by the party were horrible.

I’d prefer a sane Republican

It's funny to me that Biden is currently both the most liberal and the most conservative presidential candidate.

You would prefer a sane Republican but you praise AOC that is at the opposite end of the spectrum...

The thing I really admired about Republicans was that they had principles and held to them. AOC fits that bill. Plus, I believe that you have a right to your viewpoint even if I disagree with you.

The thing I really admired about Republicans was that they had principles and held to them.


In 1953 they did, yes

Some weird little holdouts like John McCain and Liz Cheney survived into the modern era, somehow, but they're about as rare and as realistic in the modern-day GOP as Bernie Sanders and AOC are in the modern Democrats.

If you wanna be able to vote for Adam Kinzinger, say so. It sounds like a good idea to me. But don't pretend it is because he is a Republican when his principles are exactly what got him run out of the Republican Party on a rail.

I mean, as a kid, it certainly appeared that they did to me.

And people with principles getting kicked out of the GOP for having a backbone is exactly why I am very hesitant to vote GOP at the moment.

As a conservative independent, I don’t /mind/ voting GOP but you have to give me a real candidate. I’m not going to vote for any republican who capitulates to Trump or endangers healthcare.

Like, I don’t personally believe we should be pushing LGBT or abortion. But if someone is actually LGBT or actually requires an abortion, we should treat them humanely because they are, well, humans.

What I really don’t like are the vote Republican or vote Democrat no matter what people. It’s contributing to the terrible political climate. Like I don’t like people who do things just for donors or votes. That’s where the principles come in. I want people who believe in what they are doing, or trust the people who know what they are doing.

At the risk of sounding like an asshole, everything seems simpler when you're a child. I'd recommend going back and looking at the actual debate happening at the time with the eyes of an adult.

Not an asshole at all. In fact, you make a great point.

What principles exactly are you referring to?

Crushing union strikes with a joy in her eyes that you wish you had when you looked at your kids.

It doesn’t matter to me what principles. To me, even I disagree with them, having principles and holding to them is what I like in a politician.

And I hate everyone who tells me how to vote. Everyone voting who they actually believe in is how democracy works. You can disagree and debate, but at the end of the day everyone should be free to make their own decision and have their own opinion.

How does not caring what the principles are make any sense at all? You don't have any principles if that how you think.

I have principles. I just don’t feel the need to broadcast them. And it’s irrelevant here because the point is I like people who have principles and stand by them - no matter what their viewpoint is. I may disagree with them, but I can respect that.

What I can’t stand are the spineless people who change their viewpoint at the drop of a hat.

principled republicans of yore

Is that before all the GoP and DNC switched sides over slavery?

In fact I’d prefer a sane Republican… but there seems to be a distinct lack of them.

The three I can remember from the Trump years (Kinzinger, Cheney, and Romney) have pretty much been run out on a rail haven't they? Republicans don't want sane Republicans, and anyone who appears to be one is going to get ostracized within the party, or turn out to be just like all the rest.

They are walking around with bandages on their ears in solidarity with a man who immediately rushed to sell shitty Chinese shoes to commemorate and make a profit off of the assassination attempt which killed one of his own supporters. There are no sane Republicans. There are crazy Republicans, cowardly Republicans, and probably a few with Stockholm Syndrome. They let the inmates take over the asylum and there is no cleaning house now.

Yeah most conservatives who are republicans are getting pretty psychotic. The independents and the ones who switched to Democrat can still be okay though