After Biden drops out, Trump lashes out to politics – 192 points –
After Biden drops out, Trump lashes out

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He's too old. He should drop out. I'm hearing more and more people say that recently.

Right now trump is almost 20 years older than Kamala Harris. We have never elected someone as old as trump to the office of the presidency. The man can't drink a glass of water.

Can he walk down a ramp unaided? Can he hear out of his right ear? Can we really entrust the government to someone that decrepit?

Don't you think he looks tired?

Keeps repeating himself over and over, and going off on some sort of delusion that he's been the actual president for the last four years

I saw parts of his RNC “speech” and he could barely string a coherent sentence together. Really low energy and kept falling asleep. He needs to drop out.

Well, in that case he’s as coherent as 10 years ago.

Even by donnie's standards, he's getting incoherent. And that's really saying something.

I know, it was just a low hanging fruit.

To be fair, you aren't wrong: his coherency had already substantially declined even back in 2016 (compared to e.g. interviews from the '80s and '90s).

Everyone is saying it. Why, just the other day, a man ran up to me, tears in his eyes, and he said, "Sir! Sir! Why won't donnie drop out of the race? He's far too old and senile!"

It's true, more people are saying it every day. "Dozing Donald" they call him. So many people are calling him that, but he can't even hear them. It's sad.

Didn't Trump fall asleep during his trial and the convention?

We want a president who can stay awake.

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