Donald Trump Lays Groundwork To Dodge Or Change Rules Of The Next Debate to politics – 382 points –
Donald Trump Lays Groundwork To Dodge Or Change Rules Of The Next Debate

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“Shouldn’t the Republican Party be reimbursed for fraud in that everybody around Joe, including his doctors and the Fake News Media, knew he was not capable of running for, or being, President?” Trump wrote. “Just askin’?”

Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if you had actual talking points on politics, which is what you should do when you are running for president.

Your whole strategy is slander and lying. Now you are the presidential candidate equivalent of that one guy who cries about politics in memes on a political meme board! You are admitting of literally doing this!

Fucking christ, this guy lecturing us on fraud. I swear, republicans are utterly without worth.

To be fair, he's like 34 times better at it than most people. Even the courts say so.

I like criminals who don't get caught.

well i don't like them, but they are definitely better criminals than those who did.

Jussssst in case, that was a play on Trump's "I like soldiers who didn't get caught." Attempting to shit on McCain and of course in the process shit all over all POWs...

But what do they care? Sean Hamface tells them to vote R because communism and they do...

It's one of the things he does that absolutely infuriates me. Everyone else is a crook, a fraud, anti-american, but ol dipshit Donnie is supposed to be the beacon of truth and compassion?

Give me a fucking break...

Even worse is when the gaslighting bothsiderist "liberal media" often acts like his outbursts are worthy of consideration, and/or....but look at what this Democrat said that one time...

The Dems hadn't actually nominated anyone for this election yet, that happens during the convention which is still a few weeks from now.

and that is the problem, because he doesn't know who to attack, so he does this.

The big swings this guy takes are unbelievable. It's like he says he should be allowed to have a third term because the first didn't count because everyone didn't love him enough.

He actually tried this in 2020. Said that since the Dems and everyone "blocked" him so much, his first term shouldn't count.

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