A record 191 openly LGBTQ+ athletes are competing in the 2024 Olympics

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 407 points –
A record 191 openly LGBTQ+ athletes are competing in the 2024 Olympics

A record number of athletes openly identifying as LGBTQ+ are competing in the 2024 Paris Olympics, a massive leap during a competition that organizers have pushed to center around inclusion and diversity.

There are 191 athletes publicly saying they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and nonbinary who are participating in the Games, according to Outsports, an organization that compiles a database of openly queer Olympians. The vast majority of the athletes are women.

That number has quashed the previous record of 186 out athletes counted at the COVID-19-delayed Tokyo Olympics held in 2021, and the count is only expected to grow at future Olympics.

“More and more people are coming out,” said Jim Buzinski, co-founder of Outsports. “They realize it’s important to be visible because there’s no other way to get representation.”


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The moment a single trans athlete wins top 3 in their sport, expect every troll to suddenly become an expert biologist. But they don't actually give a single fuck when trans athletes lose.

Would be interesting to see something that could prove or disprove if transwomen (or transmen too, I guess) get any benefits. All I've seen is inconclusive or partial results (see my other comment). For that reason, I don't think IOC's guidelines can be thought of as being finalized or uncontroversial.

Suddenly the people who spam 41% at inboxes will forget what a statistic is

I have a very real problem with any guy ever competing in a woman's sport. It's a hard line that should never be crossed. Your biological sex at birth is quite valid, there is no discussion on this topic in the realm of sanity.

This is the line that most sane people also draw, and if you think otherwise you need to get off the Internet.

The sports organizations which allow trans atheletes do exactly that. Example:


"the International Olympic Committee (IOC) determined criteria by which a transgender woman may be eligible to compete in the female category, requiring total serum testosterone levels to be suppressed below 10 nmol/L for at least 12 months prior to and during competition."

Good enough for the Olympics? Good enough for me!

Trans women/girls aren't "guys" - GTFO with that!

If the only puberty someone goes through is a female puberty, where does their advantage come from? Hormone blockers exist for a reason and they do a really good job at delaying puberty for younger trans people.

What you're saying is, that trans women/girls who have gone through a transition before puberty are physically equal to born women. You clearly agree that there must be some regulation at least onto when the transition happened.

The sports organizations which allow trans atheletes do exactly that. Example:


"the International Olympic Committee (IOC) determined criteria by which a transgender woman may be eligible to compete in the female category, requiring total serum testosterone levels to be suppressed below 10 nmol/L for at least 12 months prior to and during competition."

Good enough for the Olympics? Good enough for me!

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If you had a look at the actual statistics, with measures such as "be on hormones for at least X months before competing" in place: Middling athletes stay middling, shoddy stay shoddy, stellar ones stay stellar. If Michael Phelps transitioned and then competed and won it wouldn't be because of being born as a man, but because he's a genetic freak. Ideal limb structure, something about his lactose processing, you name it, he's been born with tons of advantages.

Which brings me to another point: No, the competitions have never been fair. Grit and determination is necessary, but definitely not sufficient, to win the Olympics. Athletes transitioning to get an edge? I believe it when transphobes demonstrate it, under doctor's supervision, on themselves. More likely they'd off themselves due to dysphoria before they could even dream of competing.

Children tend to have parity up until a certain point, I believe thats where some of the concern is at.

Why do you think the exact gender needs to be nailed down right at birth?

You're pissing into the wind here. This crowd is heavy with animal fuckers and confused little cunts

It's hard to understand peoples train of thought here sometimes, that's for sure.

This crowd is heavy with animal fuckers

You got any evidence to back up that ridiculous claim? Because it seems that you're just trying to slander people who disagree with you.

Have you seen how many furry porn channels there are.. Almost every day i block futo fox fucker channels and whatever little cunt is posting cartoon animal porn to it. There's the evidence. Go climb back under your rock

there's the evidence

You've made a claim. A claim is not evidence.

Have you seen

No, I have not. Not from my instance, lemmy.world (which is the instance we're talking on) or any others that end up in my feed or even the "All" feed.

Have you tried blocking the one single instance that's probably coming from?

Or even just using your feed?

And I hate to break it to you, but one community on the fediverse is not indicative of "this crowd being heavy" with anyone. If that were the case, all social media, and real life, would be.

Get over yourself you jumped up twat. I don't have to provide you with evidence for anything. I understand how the fediverse works.

There are plenty of fucked up little scrotes on here with weird as fuck fetishes and I dont care to see it in my feed. I already block entire instances, communities and anyone who posts fucking weird porn cartoons or political american shit or any other shit I think is retarded. I dont give a shit whatever sordid shit turns you on. I dont need to know about it. Its not all on one instance, or one user and I'm forever filtering it out..

Get over yourself you jumped up twat. I don't have to provide you with evidence for anything. I understand how the fediverse works.

Someone sounds upset.

If you make a claim in an attempt to discredit a whole platform of people, don't be surprised when someone asks you to provide evidence.

There are plenty of fucked up little scrotes on here with weird as fuck fetishes and I dont care to see it in my feed

Fun fact: you can add certain communities to your feed and only view those. So either you're not using your own feed, or you've added those communities to it.

I already block entire instances, communities and anyone who posts fucking weird porn cartoons or political american shit or any other shit I think is retarded. I dont give a shit whatever sordid shit turns you on. I dont need to know about it. Its not all on one instance, or one user and I'm forever filtering it out..

Sounds like a problem with the instance you picked then. I do not have this issue, and you clearly haven't heard of an NSFW toggle. That or it doesn't work.

Nobody cares if you don't care about other things on the internet. It does not belong to you, you don't get to go on an angry tirade when there are things you don't like, and you definitely don't get to use it to try and slander people who are completely unrelated to it. Learn to properly curate your feed and move on.

You're an insufferable patronising pest aren't you. You're confident for someone who is wrong

Ad hominem/personal insults, the perfect argument winner.

Well since trans women are women and not men that shouldn't be a problem.

What a weird thing to worry about. Stop being weird.

Except the whole thing about their natural physiology. People who were born as men just have a more powerful physiology than women. This doesn't change during or after transitioning. Sorry, but you're being weird here.

Oh so strength doesn't decrease when testosterone lowers and estrogen increases, and vice-versa?

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Go back to reddit pls

Very inclusive of you.

Why would I want to include bigots / trolls?

Just calling out your hypocrisy. You are either inclusive and change people the right way, or you are no different than that you think you are better than. People who think like you are ignorant and mentally weak.

  1. It's not hypocrisy. Tolerance is a contract if you don't agree to it, it doesn't cover you.

  2. No one asked.

  3. Lol, cope.

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