Microsoft’s latest security update has ruined dual-boot Windows and Linux PCs to – 555 points –
Microsoft’s latest security update has ruined dual-boot Windows and Linux PCs

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Good intention, shit execution.

If Microsoft didn't have a decades-long record of pulling shit like this, they might get the benefit of the doubt.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

Microsoft has been consistently "stupid" for a very long time about this one particular thing.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

Emphasis mine. Incompetence on Microsoft's part is not an adequate explanation for this latest action matching a pattern of other actions designed to antagonize FOSS users.

Stupidity doesn't adequately explain the number of times they have done this. I'm surprised it's even a headline anymore.

I hate this phrase.

A lot of the time, people (and especially monopolistic, tax-dodging, $3.2 trillion multinationals with a long history of anti-competitive behaviour) really are just cunts.

Time and time again, we see big companies doing anything they can to destroy competition, mislead customers, etc.

Never attribute to stupidity what can be adequately explained by malice.

stupidity is a once-off

malice is a pattern

and even if it’s not malicious, a pattern of stupid action needs to be stopped just as much as malicious action

stupidity is a once-off

🎶 ...this iiiiis my one an only wiiiiiiish! 🎶

In business and politics "malice" and "stupidity/incompetence" are one and the same.

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