Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris

vegeta@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 1125 points –
Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris after presidential debate

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Swift, 34, signed her post "Childless Cat Lady"

Well played, Tay Tay, well played.

Caption: Taylor Swift, wearing a black turtleneck, holding her dinner.

Many people say she was born in Haiti. Why won’t she show her birth certificate?

I'll show her mine if she shows me hers first.

sir, close your trenchcoat, we're talking about documents here

Oh certificate, I thought you meant mark.

Yes citizen, roll up your sleeve and show me your trump nft tattoo

This tattoo's gonna gain so much value. To the moon!

lol really it was just a way for Putin to donate to trump’s campaign but here we are

Pretty solid response, all things considered. I hope it resonates with new voters to register and be engaged since the older folks are far too entrenched to move the needle.

Yeah well played, they got a bunch of millions for promoting politics and they are going to chill in their private jet and buy groceries with it. Have fun today working to death to afford rent and cheap food.

I cannot imagine being this mad about a win over Trump.

A post on the frontpage of lemmy with so many upvotes about a scummy pop celebrity endorsing the red and blue party is a lose for humanity and a win for any billionare or politician.

Not sure I've heard Swift described as "scummy" before.

And if you're so against billionaires and politicians, why are you for the billionaire politician from the party who wants to cut taxes for billionaires, and not the candidate from a working class background who wants to increase taxes for billionaires?

They'll say they aren't for him, of course. But consequentially, they are.

If you vote and support people with blood on their hands you are directly evil. If you push a two side narrative when it clearly not you are misleading people

Not sure I’ve heard Swift described as “scummy” before.

Scummy is a kind word for someone who fly his private jet to buy groceries. We are talking about one of the biggest polluting individual on the planet.

And if you’re so against billionaires and politicians, why are you for the billionaire politician from the party who wants to cut taxes for billionaires, and not the candidate from a working class background who wants to increase taxes for billionaires?

I'm neither for a billionare or for a genocide supporter. If you believe calling these out is showing them support you are probably a victim of their propaganda.

I don't believe Swift buys her own groceries, or that anyone on her staff takes a jet to the grocery store. That's just dumb.

I think it's ridiculous that we have a system where someone can make billions singing songs while people providing essential functions have troubles making ends meet, but I haven't heard any credible evidence that Swift exploits her staff.

a system where someone can make billions singing songs while people providing essential functions have troubles making ends meet

You just described how the exploitation works these days. By definition no billionare is kind: if you and me or the average person would turn into a billionare we would give so much money away that we wouldn't be billionare anymore. A billion is more than 999 millions, imagine wanting more than that. Don't expect anyone who seek that much wealth to be kind to others, their charity is the equivalent of the average person tipping 10 cents, probably less if you do the math.

Plane flights are tracked and public even for private jets, you can search for her rides. A quick search show they once did a minute flight to avoid a traffic jam...

Yet it's a loss for the billionaire-politician Trump... which is all that matters.