
Racingradar@lemm.ee to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1172 points –

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Let's just agree that these states are also the places where the hypocrisy is the strongest.

Just look at the facts: These are the places where you have to preserve the life of a fetus just because you can hear a heartbeat (heart is just a muscle sack that acts as a pump, nothing else), but you can freely shoot your neighbor, a fully gestated human, who has stumbled onto your yard.

You have to remind parents not to have drunken sex with their children, but you cannot let LGBTQ people have a book store or a unisex bathroom.

Just look at the facts: These are the places where you have to preserve the life of a fetus just because you can hear a heartbeat

Not even.

Women have been forced to carry dead fetuses, which will kill them from sepsis as it starts to decompose.

And the people who voted for it will deny it ever happening, until something similar happens to someone they know. Then they'll cry on the street corners about how unfair it is.

Remember: Scientific studies have shown that many conservatives are cold hearted and stupid, by demonstrating a clear correlation between conservative thinking/behaviour and lower than average cognitive ability and empathy. And literally every single one of them think they are a super genius and they think most people secretly share their political views.

btw isn't conservatism supposed to be about "everything is perfect as it is right now, don't make any changes"?

It's about maintaining the status quo. Keeping the rich rich and the poor poor because "hey it's worked great so far!"

Which is sad, because if you never change. You'll eventually stagnate and rot, like an apple in the sun when change does finally become forced and necessary. Either you move out of the sun and become a tree with those remaining seeds or just. Die I guess. Kind of a pathetic way to go just because of stubbornness honestly.

They say that, but they are liars. Liberals who typically want to conserve the standing social and economic order are the real conservatives.

What the conservatives actually are is reactionaries.

For the record, I'm not saying that because I'm a liberal, which I'm not. I don't want to conserve the social or economic orders.

Alabama is full of gay sister touchers

can you please not just be homophobic as like some epic own of the conservatives. Even if its supposed to be an ironic thing because conservatives would hate to be called gay, it just reads as normal homophobia.

Because it is normal homophobia. Blaming homophobia and abuse on gays is just a rehash of the same old bigotry, no matter stated intentions.

Brain is just a nerve bag that makes decisions.

I'm strictly pro foetus killing, in case that makes it seem otherwise. Just think that's a poor rhetorical device.

Boobs are just fat bags that milky milky. But they've got soul, baby.

Brain is just a nerve bag that makes decisions.

While this statement is true, what is also true is that the brain is the only organ we're unable to fully understand, replace (as in through organ donation), and it's what makes us sentient. This is why Row v. Wade had a specific fetal age up until which abortion is permitted. That age coincided with the age at which the brain is developed and the fetus becomes a child which could be delivered. Most of the red-state laws are restricting abortion after the heartbeat can be detected.

All I am saying is that it makes perfect sense, from the biological point of view, why the heart is one of the first major organs to develop: it's main job is to deliver nutrient-rich blood to all other organs so that they can develop as well. But despite that, its not the heart that makes us human, it's the brain.

I was raised around those good old traditional values like "do what you're told" and "a woman's value is caring for a family." Once I started thinking for myself and asking questions, I still struggled with all the "but they're killing living babies!" idea. Then one day it occurred to me - we don't determine death by when the heart stops, why would we decide it starts just because we hear a beat? Brain death determines death, wouldn't an appropriate level of brain activity determine life? I let go of a lot of baggage that day.

Yet plenty of people with brains and hearts are subhuman pieces of filth

There is never a good reason to say 'subhuman filth'. All of our problems are human problems.

Including your apparent meth abuse.

Methyl is CH3 groups - I did a graduate degree in biochem and feel proud of my achievement tyvm.

Edit- ironically I chose not to be ethylman (without the first m) because I thought it made me sound like a proud alcoholic 🤣

So if you're educated, consider giving the book "Becoming Evil" a problem.

All of our problems are human problems, and talking about other human beings - no matter what they do - as "Subhuman" is a problem in and off itself.

Thats not goodness, that's narcissism!

-The guy from Prageru

but you can freely shoot your neighbor, a fully gestated human, who has stumbled onto your yard.

link to the story?

Go ahead an reply to the kind folks who took their time to give you what you asked for.

I'd give you an award, but we don't do those here ... uhhh ... here's some Lemmy Nickel

You're so sweet, I cherish LemmyNickel.

I wasn't referring to a particular story, just the "stand your ground" laws.