Georgia Supreme Court dismisses Trump bid to shut down Fulton County probe to politics – 302 points –
Georgia Supreme Court dismisses Trump bid to shut down Fulton County probe | CNN Politics

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He did everything right and they indicted him./s

I doubt Trump has ever done anything right in his life. His business decisions have been less profitable than leaving his money in bonds.

Username checks out. Troll detected.

Sorry, it was a joke. Not a troll, just trying to instigate discussion. Mission accomplished, I guess?

Lol. You are welcome to agree with what Trump did. But even if you think ignoring the election and trying to instill himself as dictator is "doing everything right", it's still wildly illegal.

To say nothing of the stealing and showing off of classified documents. There's really no way around that one.

You have infinitely more faith in the rule of law being a thing that actually exists than I

If he did everything right, he wouldn’t have gotten caught.

Only a crap president loses their re-election. Nixon won his re-election in a landslide. Even W won his re-election. Trump, well, he grabs failure by the pussy.

Are you a novelty account or for real?

On the off chance you are for real: nobody, not even trump, can turn your clock back to your good old days.

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