Do you see the possibility of another civil war? to United States | News & – 18 points –

I think that it will not be waged between North and South for state rights, but rather between Republicans and Democrats for human rights. It will happen before our 250th anniversary in 2026.


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Why do you want the government to dictate your thoughts and actions so much?

I want the government to protect me from the dumb fucks that actually do want the government to dictate how I should live my life. It's the pieces of human garbage that want to tell men they can't marry another man, that tell women they don't have autonomy over their own body, that want to stop the teaching of the theory of evolution and include prayer in school, that want to dictate others' lives.

Those calling for more rights aren't asking for the government to dictate anyone's lives. They're literally doing the opposite of that.

Enforcing policy is dictating lives though, how about just use a different name for marriage and do a different ritual? Unless that's only if you actually only care for inheritance laws.

2010 called. They want their dumb, regressive talking points back

I'd prefer a rational discussion rather than emotional irrationality

It doesn't sound like you're being rational. It sounds more like you're being facetious when you say things like "enforcing policy is dictating lives." By this we can imply that you believe murder is a right. Theft is a right. Rape is a right.

No I don't, you shouldn't jump to assumptions

Well then how do you propose to stop these things from being reality if you are not for the enforcement of policy?

Don't antagoniste, cause harm or do violence to others.

Or else what? Nothing? Or are you going to say enforcement of the law (a policy) is situationally ok?

You may not be as rational or smart as you think you are.

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how about just use a different name for marriage and do a different ritual?

So you want a separate name and ritual for people who aren't like you want them to be, and expect everyone to believe that it will be equal?

No. Everyone knows how "separate but equal" pans out in the "equal" department.

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It's not an infringement of your rights to stop you from beating/killing people you don't like. It's not an infringement of your rights to allow others to do things you don't want to do yourself.

How about people just treat each better than forcing it on people by the state.

We tried that, several times, each time the south did something stupid like dredd Scott or Jim crow or the kkk.

The only way to stop them from trying to keep brown people as pets was to send soldiers, they don't understand any other language.

It's sad you think like that

They don't though, otherwise there would be no need for a justice system altogether. There are "people" out there that have wet dreams of lgbt people being incriminated and women having less rights than men, the rest of society should be protected from them instead of putting them in government positions.

I think deep down that is what you want, I think you want lgbt people to be incriminated and women to have less rights because then you have a bogeyman to fight against.

So much for a rational discussion. Great showing for yourself and others with similar beliefs.

That's some exceptional mental gymnastics right there, keep thinking like that and you'll go far

That's what laws seek to do because people clearly don't do it on their own, dumbass. Be good to others, or face punishment. It's not fucking rocket science here.

No it's not but you should be genuinely good and not down the barrel of a gun with coercion or threats.

I'm going to guess you're Christian. I'm also going to guess you don't see one bit of irony with your statement.

Giving trans people the right to healthcare only affects their lives. So tell me again how this terrible government overreach occurs when we say β€œyou can’t make laws to restrict someone’s freedom”?

You can’t, because it doesn’t.

Trans people have the same "right" to healthcare as every other American.

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