And an effin' petulant perv to boot! to – 668 points –

Should be noted that Hurensohn in German is a lot harsher than son of a bitch in English

Doesn't it literally mean "whore-son" (huren-sohn)?

My German is poor.

It does. But while in English you could easily say something like "you son of a bitch, you did it" to a friend, you wouldn't do the same with Hurensohn in German as this would offend most people.

Were all of these contents edited 😵

Google notes huren as whore, if that lines up a bit more, with sohn being pretty self-explanatory.

Reminds me of whoreson from GoT

Yeah, that's the ballpark of where "Hurensohn" is on the harshness scale. You can't say it admiringly either. So "oh, you son of a bitch, you did it!" isn't possible for "Hurensohn".

Never met an Aussie that can't say expletives in an endearing way.

Or Whoreson Jr from The Witcher, who was also a fucking psycho.

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Spez's whole ancestry line excluding common ancestors is a son of a bitch