Why does every REST testing software want me to login?

lorty@lemmy.ml to General Programming Discussion@lemmy.ml – 41 points –

I just want to build requests and read the responses, why the hell does everyone suddenly want me to make an account?


It seems that way with a lot of REST clients for whatever reason.

It starts off as what we all want - a simple rest client, maybe storing environments and requests

Then companies start building more features to try and create a whole community or ecosystem

They start asking for account creation. Then team creation to share with your team. Then an enterprise plan. Then they gimp the original features and paywall them.

Looking at you, Postman, Insomnia, Thunderclient

The thing is, I kinda get it in a way. Like, having an account lets them offer so many more useful features, and over time they might just see it as not worth supporting two "types" of users, so they lean more on requiring an account.

Obviously, a lot of this is driven by execs trying to make their line go up, but even without that it does make sense to a point. Not that I agree with it at all, but I see how it would happen.

@lorty I feel your pain; I had to switch from Postman to Insomnia because I couldn't use the local application anymore without creating an account, but even Insomnia is pushing to create an account somewhere.


Works brilliantly. But, not maintained for some months now.

More than enough for me though.

@makingStuffForFun wow, just realized my build of Insomnia was 2023.5.8, (the exact version before they switched to logins). I'll have to grab a copy of insomnium. No concern that it may not be actively maintained; it's just a basic Electron app.

God fucking knows. Probably so they can sell your data.

Postman doesn't force you to log in, though it does make it sound like you are missing out on a world of "amazing" possibilities.

I wonder how hard it'd be to make a PWA and host it on GitHub 🤔 Maybe this would be a good yet-another-hobby-project-ill-never-complete to pick up

Intellijs build in HTTP client is good enough for me to use it for my testing purposes and even for short one-off thing I previously might've done with curl.

https://curl.se/ has been account free since 1998.

Never understood why people keep trying to use proprietary tools for this, especially when curl is so good.

I have a directory of shell scripts I use to test out endpoints. I persist request/response data either with environment variables or regular files. Oh and since these are just shell scripts, it's pretty trivial to do stuff like iterate over a CSV (or JSON array) and make a request for each row, conditionally make requests, or whatever else you want.

Oh and honorable mention goes to jo and jq for making it super easy to make/process JSON data.