No, I don't want to design a logo for a coffee shop in fucking skype. to Mildly – 321 points –

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No, I don't want to design a logo for a coffee shop in fucking skype.

Every app has to have fucking AI now for some reason.


Agreed, it's infuriating. As are Skype's continual efforts to get me to follow interest channels. Why can't it just be a communications app, and leave it at that? Aaaaarrrggghhh!!!

I'm surprised anyone still uses Skype tbh

It's a work thing for me, I wouldn't use it otherwise.

I find it useful for what it's actually meant for, but they keep trying to force other functionality into it, it's so frustrating.

I've used Skype. It was not just "mildly" infuriating, and that was before copilot.

It used to be really good, but then Microsoft bought it and almost immediately ruined it.

It went from direct connections between user computers to all routing through Micrsoft's centralized servers. I wonder why everyone started having connection and lag issues after that.

Skype still exists?!

Officially, but it hasn't really been Skype for at least a decade and a half..

Image still using Skype in 2024. Why, just why?

My Dad does not understand how to use anything else, except email. Perhaps we should just use email instead! 😅

Who uses Skype?

Corporate, companies that bought all-in into MS ecosystem. Which is weird that they added this to the mobile client as Skype for business is ending support in 2025, it's supposed to be replaced by Teams, which it not ready BTW. So, I don't know what any of these is supposed to do, perhaps just rake in more data before the service dies for good?

What is Teams missing? I'm not familiar with the mobile app, but the desktop client eclipsed Skype ages ago (except for scrolling back through old messages).

It cannot integrate with or handle existing VoIP services, receive or answer phone calls, handle land and cellular switches and terminals, and it cannot route or transfer calls (audio or video) automatically. It doesn't handle automated away time messages or rerouting, auto-replys to chat, it cannot serve users external of the organization. And those are only the few things I use daily, sure there must be many more things that Skype can do an Teams just doesn't because it's a slack and zoom hybrid. It just doesn't fit the role Skype has in my org and it's why we continue to run both together until the very second the Skype servers are finally shut down.

Dunno, I'm just a humble cross poster who hasn't for a decade plus change 🤷

I use Skype for my meetings, as well as teams. They’re both awful in different ways.

It’s difficult for me to find a (free) software that clients can install and be device/OS agnostic.

Using browser based calling services has proved to be a real challenge with non tech-literate people. The amount of wasted time on, “oh my mic/cam was working yesterday” type situations.

While I agree that Mic am not working can be difficult to work out with none technical people I have that experience with Teams every day. I work in IT, as do my colleagues and every morning the first call goes like "Can you hear me now?" "Gotta switch the mic." ...this is on teams on Windows/Mac and Linux ... So in my anecdotal experience browser based solutions are no better or worse

Yeah, I’ve noticed this too. It’s just been much easier to tell people through the steps they need to change their devices, when I know what software they’re using. Adding another variable, like the browser itself (eg. One browser just straight up doesn’t see a camera/mic as an available device), is something I can do without.

The common denominator is always MS, for me. Teams and Skype are worse than zoom, for example. But when you’re already tapped in 365, paying for another service on top is an insult to injury.

I use Nextcloud Talk. You also can share files and other content plus it has a lot of cool features

File my tax, wash a car, press A to not die...

It's a loading screen of exploitation.

"Taiwan's strongest earthquake" sounds like a variation of those "strongest soldier" memes

Earthquake:"Why must you give me the shakiest ground?"

Taiwan:"Because you're my strongest earthquake"