Apple’s next nebulous idea: smart home robots to – 57 points –
Apple’s next nebulous idea: smart home robots

They can call it the AppleJack, and the inevitable sex toy that gets made out of it will be dubbed the AppleJackOff.

I guess the farm really isn't bringing in the money anymore.

::: spoiler spoiler For those who don't get it, her name is Apple Jack and she works on an apple farm :::

If I had a robot, I would want it to stay securely bolted to the shop floor. I certainly wouldn't buy one from any big tech company.

I want one that can do annoying manual labor tasks. 'Remove all the paint from the concrete porch' would be a nice command.

Though, with how well AIs are going lately, I could see it deciding to destroy the front door instead if I were to entrust it with a power tool.

One can design a visual language in which such a robot would present to the user what exactly it's going to do.

Then a user can say a command, and the resulting action would be displayed, waiting for confirmation by, say, pressing a button.

"Door into Summer" comes to mind.

That means no. Until they start selling useful robots with a few simple MCs inside and sufficient documentation. No "AI", no telemetry, no nice GUI, nothing like that.

I always thought Apple should make appliances. I say let them try.

Apple making robots, what could go wrong? (Looks up phone number for Tom Selleck)