Framework open sources the 3D CAD design files for its modular 16 inch laptop to – 280 points –
Framework open sources the 3D CAD design files for its modular 16 inch laptop - Liliputing

Open sourcing this means manufacturers have easy access to the device’s form factor to create an ecosystem of accessories. People still need to buy the laptop. It makes perfect sense.

Also the difficulty is in the production line and custom swappable components, not the case design.

this is effectively the hardware equivalent of having a public API, sure you could technically reverse engineer your own server implementation, but really you're going to use it to make stuff that interacts with the existing server.

The mechanical keyboard community was working on an ortholinear keyboard module. Having every dimension in digital form would make fitting the keyboard a lot easier with less wasted materials for prototyping.

this alone would really make me want to buy one even though I really really shouldn't.

I don't need a new laptop but when I do need one, I'm definitely going with Framework.

@IllNess @Grass My X230 is now more than 10 years old. At some point in time I will need to replace it. Then a Framework device would be the best choice - but only when they improve the keyboard or there are third party keyboards that better match my needs.

@IllNess @schizoidman I'm looking forward to alternate keyboards. When I tested a Framework device, I had the impression that the keyboard had been a linear one. I made the experience, that I need a tactile keyboard.

YES! one step closer to more adoption, which is what we need from it now. not only from consumers but from creators and manufacturers. open sourcing its pieces will essentially make it into an open standard.

i really want to ditch my desktop for a cheap, modular, upgradable and repairable laptop and we are one step closer to that reality. framework is my hope that it will happen and i'm rooting for it to succeed.

What was the licensing before? Kinda sketch that this wasn't always available. What else are they holding back from releasing currently?

It's their property, they don't owe it to anybody. There's nothing sketchy about this.

It's likely that they always intended to release CAD models, but it took time to clean them all up and get them in order. Usually you don't want to make a public release with your original working files because they're messy and would cause more confusion in your user community than benefits.

Yep if I released most of my working files people would be lost. I’m a mess

Am I the only one that calls my CAT layers stuff like "koala buttfucker", knowing pretty well that I'm the only one who sees it?

Anyone who thinks they own knowledge is sketch

Ownership in general isn't some fundamental inalienable right. It's just that if you let people own things, you give them more incentive to make things. I think intellectual property rights are far too extensive, but if we didn't have them at all, how would we pay for R&D? How would we pay for big budget games and movies? Maybe you're happy contributing to openly licensed projects, but a lot of people have to pay for rent and raise a family, and can't take the time to contribute to things like that even if they want to unless they have the money to support themselves.

Collaboration, not competition

And how do you get people to collaborate? People have tried making governments based on the idea of everyone working together for the common good. It never ends well.

This model just came out recently. I wouldn't pass judgement on them for that.