New Yorker describes how she tackled child rape suspect after recognizing him to – 170 points –
New Yorker describes how she tackled child rape suspect after recognizing him

During the apprehension of Inga-Landi on Tuesday, Sauretti further explained that the man then kept on resisting and protested.

“He said, ‘Let me explain!’ I’m like, ‘There’s nothing to explain. You’re a rapist,’” she recalled to the outlet. “He said, ‘I don’t care.’ I’m like, ‘What do you mean you don’t care? You’re a rapist.’ He said, ‘I don’t care.’”

A group of other residents also reportedly got involved in trying to capture the man, such as a 67-year-old woman kicking Inga-Landi and taking off one of her shoes to hit him with it, the outlet reported.


The community came together to deliver a well-deserved ass whooping.

"After that, I ain’t gonna lie, everybody just started beating on him," Flores added, saying they used a belt to tie up his legs.

That warmed my black heart.

The 67-year-old woman who started kicking him, then took off a shoe to beat him with... I want to be her when I grow up.

These are the people that everyone thought wouldn't convict Trump. Convicting a white collar criminal is an easy warmup compared to this.

"Let me explain, I don't care" Umm that's an interesting explanation.

He was just trying to explain that his nihilism made him do it.

Nihilism was better when it was about dressing up fancy and trying to kill the Tsar.

"I don't care"

Angry crowd immediately stops accosting him

I didn't realize the wanted poster had his photo until I scrolled down and saw it and I was like "Man, I hope it's not mistaken identity..."

But then:

"The perpetrator has made statements, after waiving Miranda rights, where he indicated that he has a drug problem, that he found the knife that he used to threaten the two teens, that this was the first time he had ever done anything like this,"


A group of other residents also reportedly got involved in trying to capture the man, such as a 67-year-old woman kicking Inga-Landi and taking off one of her shoes to hit him with it, the outlet reported.

This brings a tear to my eye. So happy, everybody rejoicing in the beating of a rapist. For the most part, I'm pretty pacifist but I thoroughly approve of this.

I can just imagine the scene, a bunch of pissed off New Yorkers tackling and kicking a guy while other New Yorkers walk by thinking "only in New York" and some tourist starts losing their freaking mind.

She better get that 10 grand!

I hope so, but also I feel like the experience itself is probably worth 10 grand.