Is there a website where I can upload stuff for free and the files stay there forever? to – 39 points –

nothing is forever but google drive is free

Amazing tagline. You should pitch this to their marketing team

Why someone would storage something forever WO getting something back?

Storage power isn't free.. if you are looking for a public place.

If you are looking for private use, I would recommend taking a small/old PC and run Yunohost with Nextcloud.

Also all depend on the stuff you're talking about...

Although NC is great for the right usecase. If file storage is the usecase, NC is massive overkill.

Awesome Selfhosted has software for every usecase:

Indeed, that's why I talked about Yunohost. Nextcloud install is just one click button on Yunohost.

It depends what you are after.

Even though Google has a long history of killing their products I doubt they'd do it to Google Drive anytime soon. You could upload it there and make it publicly available. Proton Drive is newer and preferred by a lot of people for numerous reasons. It has a 5GB limit. You could probably use that.

I feel like the key is having at least one other place where it is in the event one service dies.

That said there are paid services out there that would likely keep your files indefinitely and are unlikely to shutdown anytime soon.

Google would likely be the subject of several lawsuits from other companies big enough to damages them if they just suddenly pulled the plug on Drive without an off ramp time. So even if one was worried, they’d have to have time to move the files somewhere else.

Create a torrent, it will stay up as long as someone keeps seeding it.

Free trials on most cloud storage providers should be free and remain forever* as long as you occasionally keep the account active.

Obviously, nothing is forever, providers might go bust, close their free tiers etc.