Ancient Mayan vase purchased by US woman for $4 returned to Mexico to World – 211 points –
Ancient Mayan vase purchased by US woman for $4 returned to Mexico

She said: “It’s really important to recognize that some of these things, especially with such historical and cultural value to an entire country and people – you can’t really put a number on that.”

God it makes me so happy when people respect the value of history.

The British Museum should take notice. Even a random US tourist knows that historical items should be returned to the country they are taken/stolen from.

I don't know if traveling from Washington, D.C. to Clinton, Maryland is considered "tourism", but yes, it's good that she recognized this piece as an artifact that belongs with the people whose history it represents.

Would she not be considered a tourist for her trip to Mexico City?

Dozier took an interest in the pottery because she had worked with Indigenous communities in Mexico


Dozier then traveled to Mexico City in January on a work trip

Only if you don't know what a Tourist is.

Wait, so you’re saying the trip to the national anthropology museum was for work? Maybe.

Very noble of her to return that piece of history to where it belongs.

A vase for $4 is a good deal. What was she expecting, solid gold? I don't think I would have gone as far as involving all of Mexico but I guess it's easier to just give her a refund.

Gold? The Mayans didn't care much about something useless like gold. Now cacao beans... she'd get a lot of cacao beans for that vase.

I think that people didn’t realise that this was a joke. I thought that it was funny.

Those Amazon customers can be ruthless.

You can't really expect a new vase for that price. She was lucky to get a refurbished in such a good condition.