You're in the right place to Lemmy – 734 points –

Average general store in a small farm town of 550 people

we have everything you'd find in a big town, tanning salons, bingo halls, notaries, boat rentals... hell even laundromats.

Turns out it’s just a canoe rental place that’s named “Laundromat Bingo Tanning Notary.”

It's a canoe rental in the town of Laundromat Bingo at the intersection of Tanning Avenue and Notary Lane

when your canoe rental is really going for the SEO

Patron: Excuse me, what aisle could I find content on 'god's fury'?

Worker: That would be aisle 6.

Patron: oh, excuse me. I misspoke. What aisle could I find content on 'furry gods'?

Worker: Oh, no worries! That would be aisle 8.

NGL I assumed 'Tanning' meant tanning hides, not a tanning booth.

Ditto. I'm not even entirely convinced that they don't have a taxidermy service stuffed in there with their bait shop and canoe rental and check cashing.

The owner is the type of guy that you can ask him for anything and he'll give you a price. it used to be pretty common in small towns (pre-walmart mainstreet USA) for hardware stores to include a toy department, usually downstairs in the basement, much like how drugstores typically did double-duty as lunch counters...

...the small town where i went to college, though, enjoyed a stereo/mattress/ski shop, and i never wrapped my head around that of the local grocery stores (pre-hypermarket) also had a full computer department; the most well-appointed amiga retailer i'd ever seen, replete with rendering hardware and video equipment...

The "tanning notary" seems to be a package, or a service unknown to me.

The sign is funny on its own, this caption is just terrible.

In the video game “Arcade Paradise”, your grubby father has you run a laundromat that you slowly convert to an arcade. It’s a pretty fun idea. And, you get to play on the machines!

Laundry and tan? Sounds like dado from the SCP foundation has found his way into the real world...