Trump is inciting violence as the election approaches to politics – 263 points –
Trump is inciting violence as the election approaches

And yet…. There are people here that are urging you to not vote against this clown.

Try and imagine that.

Then try and imagine why.

I think I've mostly blocked all of the really transparent ones. Lol. Can't recommend that enough.

I want to but I have fun being an ernest but utterly obstinate fuck towards them. Its funny watching someone arguing in bad faith just giving up in the face of an autist whos response to bad faith is to just keep going. I want to debate Kent Hovind and see how long it takes for him to rage quit because I hyperfocus on one point and mercilessly insult him in the most backhanded way possible.

Oh, if that's your jam, enjoy! I just don't have the time/energy to do that myself, lol, and I can only roll my eyes so many times in a day. I also do enjoy the sparring and watching them squirm to defend their bad faith positions.

You're the hero we need but don't deserve.

My morals may be absolute but my ethics are green and blue. Which is to say id make a terrible hero, id commit crimes against humanity while simultaneously enforcing my demented ass concept of liberty.

I always tell people I'd be Darth Vader if given power. I'd fix the problems as I see them, but not in a way most people could get behind.

Vader was blinded by his own self loathing, grief, and hatred. He was little more than Palpatines attack dog and a slave to the Dark side. To be Vader is to be turbo depressed.

The "silver lining" is that leadership showed their cards during J6, so intelligence agencies know who to watch. This would be the justification for giving up rights in the patriot act to fight terrorists.

In theory, it works that way.

In practice, we've never openly stopped anyone with those systems.

When it comes time for them to justify the invasion of privacy, they don't have any school shooters stopped, and they don't have any Unabombers stopped. They don't have any cases of stolen kids stopped. They'd be shouting all that from the rooftops to expand and extend that funding.

If they have actually stopped anyone, it's at super-secret spy game levels. The guys you're expecting them to stop aren't even a concern for them. Worse yet, they may actually be rooting for them.

Or they have stopped them, so we haven’t heard about it.

I’m not advocating giving up privacy but you don’t know for sure that these tactics don’t “work.”

You think they'd shut up if they could look like the heroes??? Lol You don't know cops.

I guess I don’t think of the higher agencies as cops, even though they are. And those higher agencies (FBI, NSA, CIA, etc.) don’t strike me as the type of groups who want to keep the public informed—quite the contrary, actually. I would expect local cops to praise themselves if they got something right, sure.

I’m curious.

You ever hear of the Beer hall putsch?

You know, Hitler’s version of Jan 6.

We are in the period before Hitler went to prison and wrote Mein Kampf.

Hitler was a young man at that time, don't forget that. Time History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes.

I don’t think we’re gonna get the prison part in this timeline, but we do already have a book, though the book is just a trump-branded bible that includes a copy of the constitution or something like that.

It’s just mind-bending how successful Hitler has been with the most incredibly infantile and idiotic tactics, and additionally, on how many people those tactics work so well.

Anyone else see a vagina when they look at trumps neck flaps

Missed that, but did think his mouth looks like a gaped anus.

I write again having done my own research. It turns out he's had a wifesaving neck surgery known as a twateotomy

Please don’t insult vaginas. They did nothing to deserve that.

You think maybe it's like his bioluminescent anglerfish lure, but for deranged sickos?