Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warns anti-Biden Democrats about what comes next if they succeed to – 99 points –
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warns anti-Biden Democrats about what comes next if they succeed

She's right. It's annoying at best to have these people saying Biden is a problem, without articulating at least an idea of who should be nominated and how that would work this late in the game.

In my opinion, it's quite similar to Brexit: maybe you can get a majority coalition to disapprove of the status quo, but good luck getting them to actually propose a more popular alternative. Much less proposing an actual procedure for getting that alternative onto ballots.

Structurally and functionally, our political systems are not set up to run anyone other than the person who won the primary. Changing a presumptive nominee this late in the cycle is fraught with potential complications, but can be done if there's sufficient support for a specific alternative candidate. Realistically, it's Biden or it's Harris. There's no feasible way to get someone else at the top of the ticket.


Everyone can agree on something being an issue but there needs to be consensus on solutions

Personally I think Kamala Harris is a viable plan. She's already VP, she's instantly recognizable, and she's also polling well against trump.

And honestly I'm starting to think the plan might be something along the lines of "Keep Biden in until after the election then scoot Harris in under the 25th amendment"

I don't know if she can. There's still a lot of latent racism and misogyny in American culture, and she'd have to overcome both. Bidens old, but he's a he and the color of skin that's important, for some reason. I wish it weren't so, but it is. I think she could beat a Jeb Bush hands down, but Trump has a knack for flaming those racist and misogynistic feelings in people that aren't usually that way.

Also, she is the VP of the incumbent administration. Any complaints people have about Biden, other than his personal age, also can be applied to her. Economy? Immigration? Isreal/Gaza? All Harris' administration. Doesn't matter that she has little input or control of any of those, she is the VP, Trump and Conservatives will blame her all the way until election day, and Fox/Conservative media will be there to parrot and distribute the word.

Without the advantages of being the actual incumbent.

She can just say Biden made the decisions, because it's true. Forget how Fox propagandizes things. If you think they have that power to shape reality, we've already lost. Everyone else will take a statement of "that was something I disagreed with, but it was Joe's choice" at face value, because we all know VPs are powerless.

It's amusing to see people ponder whether a black person could become president, or use that as essentially an argument against running a black candidate.

You're about 16 years late to the party.

Are there LOTS of racists and misogynists out there? Yeah, absolutely. But if you discount candidates based on what you think the bigots will do, you're just preemptively doing their discrimination for them.

Saying, "I don't think we should run a black female candidate because of the racists", and saying, "I don't think we should run a black female candidate because I'm racist" has the same net effect.

There is a precedent of a black president, but there is still no precedent of a woman president... and the reaction to a female candidate after Obama, was Trump.

Running a black woman candidate, is both unprecedented for the misogynism AND for the combination. The barely 8 year old precedent of voters picking an obvious con artist over a white woman, points to misogynism being still a serious issue in the US.

IMHO, the best that could happen would be having Biden re-elected, then him deciding he's no longer capacitated, and the job defaulting onto Harris. But if Biden can't make it to the polls... well, SOL.

The reaction to Hillary Clinton was Trump. A wicker chair painted red would have beaten Hillary. Holding her up as indicative of the general sentiment towards women as leaders is about as far from accurate interpretation of 2016 as you can get. Notice how many people are suggesting Whitmer or even Michele Obama to run (nevermind Harris, obviously), but no one is suggesting Clinton?

Heh, not sure about a wicker chair (LOL)... she's 76 now, so definitely not an option. Maybe I didn't follow US politics too closely in 2016, were there other women running in the primaries back then?

Not in 2016.

In 2019, Elizabeth Warren was leading in the primaries (and both she and Sanders were ahead of Biden), until Super Tuesday when a bunch of the centrist candidates dropped out together and jointly endorsed Biden, in order for them not to go to a contested convention.

"Keep Biden in until after the election then scoot Harris in under the 25th amendment"

That's the worst possible plan, IMO. Biden can lead, I would be fine with him being president for another 4 years. The issue is he can't win against Donald Trump. He was behind in all swing states, and that was before the debate, multiple gaffes and speech mistakes, moments of confusion and freezing, etc...

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Biden may very well not survive to the election. Plenty of people were raising concerns about his age and the physical and mental decline that were patently obvious four years ago, and were briskly told to shut the fuck up.

Run Harris. That’s the solution, because the democrats are allergic to actually cultivating new leaders.

Run Harris. That’s the solution, because the democrats are allergic to actually cultivating new leaders.

But, how does that work? Does the DNC just declare a new candidate without an election? What kind of rules are there for this sort of thing?

If there is a rule written down somewhere, then follow those rules if they want.

The DNC is a private organization, they can do whatever they want for whatever reason they want.

It probably wouldn't make everyone happy if they skipped steps in their normal procedures, but I say "When has the DNC ever cared about making everyone happy?" It's a big tent with a foundation of begrudging compromise. Some people will be upset, but they have months to get over it.

It’s a big tent with a foundation of begrudging compromise. Some people will be upset, but they have months to get over it.

The same could be said about Biden.

You think Biden will get younger? The media will stop covering his fuck ups every time he steps foot in front of a camera? I don't see how Biden can gain so much ground short of discovering the fountain of youth.

To my point- that's all I've ever heard about a Biden presidency.

Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely in "vote blue no matter who" mode. That said, if I can vote for someone that I actually like and that I feel has a better chance of winning, then all the better.

I think it's healthy to have these conversations, although not this late in the game. At the very least, the Trump campaign would need to completely shift if someone else is nominated which would set them back a bit.

I doubt anyone who was going to vote for Biden before the debate changed their mind and decided to vote for Trump afterwards. The biggest concern is people who have not been paying attention to the news and getting them to mobilize on election day. If the Democrats can't get people excited to vote, then we'll have another 4 more years of Trump.

It's also not just voting, but donations and volunteering. People don't think Biden can win, so they're directing efforts to other candidates. Exciting those that are already team players has real impacts.

Kinda makes you wonder if they’re democrats at all….


It's guaranteed that the issue is being boosted by the opposition, and probably foreign interests. Who wouldn't take advantage of the seed of doubt?

You're right, I'm not a Democrat. I'm a socialist and anti-fascist. My interest right now is seeing the fascist lose. I don't see a path for Biden to win.

Biden shouldn't have run again. The Dems should have primaried him. If they had, all of this would have been apparent long ago, but instead his aids have tightly controlled his media appearances for months to hide his cognitive decline from everyone except those playing close attention.

It only gets worse for Biden from here. He is at both his floor and ceiling, he has the "vote blue no matter who" and that's it.

There is definitely risk in running Kamala or someone else at the top of the ticket. They might lose anyways. But any other Dem would start approximately at Biden's spot in the polls and then have numerous paths to get where we need to beat Trump.

In the US there seem to be only two relevant parties: the "non-Democrats", and the "non-Republicans".

Kinda sounds like an Autocratic Monarchy would keep both sides happy, doesn't it? 🤦

We have a convention for a reason. Biden says he's dropping out, his delegates are released to vote for a different candidate.

Someone nominates Mark Kelly for the top of the ticket, the delegates vote him into the nomination, he accepts, and Trump loses.

It's a pretty simple plan, and rests on the assumption that Biden and Harris can put country and party ahead of their pride.

I think there is money involved to create this narrative

Move Biden left in 2020 became just take Biden again 2024. I will keep the language US centric. Democrats are surprised they are losing progressives by appeasing conservatives and moderates. A better progressive option is Jill Stein or Dr. Cornel West. Would be surprising for a coalition between Democrats and Greens.

The same Jill Stein that attended a dinner with Putin and Michael Flynn? That Jill Stein?

That's informative. I haven't paid much attention to her. I know she is the Green Party candidate.

Progressives are concentrated in states that are going to vote blue no matter who. Democrats already win the popular vote because of these states, but lose in the electoral college, specifically because they ignore the swing states and the red states.

Go look at every living Democrat who has won an election in a red state. Those are the candidates who can poach voters from Trump's base and win the election. One of those candidates is your nominee.

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OK, but all of this is only relevant if you believe Biden in his current state is able to win against Trump. The people who want Biden out believe that Biden stands no chance.

it's looking increasingly difficult for the Democrats. Biden's not impressing people, the business with Israel is putting off some of his supporters, and they've left it very late to not have a Plan B. You'd think that any party running an 81-year-old candidate would have a fallback plan ready from the outset, or might anticipate difficulties and run a younger candidate in the first place, but apparently the Democratic Party doesn't look that far ahead.

They should have been building Harris up for the last 4 years instead of giving her shit issues Biden didn't want to deal with. They knew it was possible she'd be forced to lead the party, but they were just so singularly focused on Joe Biden like he was a regular president and his reputation was the only important thing to manage.

You'd think that any party running an 81-year-old candidate would have a fallback plan ready

Hm, just wondering... what's the Republicans' fallback plan while running a 79-year-old candidate?

What I will say is what upsets me is [Democrats] saying we will lose. For me, to a certain extent, I don’t care what name is on there. We are not losing. I don’t know about you, but my community does not have the option to lose. My community does not have the luxury of accepting loss in July of an election year. My people are the first ones deported. They’re the first ones put in Rikers. They’re the first ones whose families are killed by war.

But you probably are going to lose

Only if you allow it.

Do you respond to some stupid political polling and scare mongering articles by insisting that Biden can't win and demotivating Democrat voters? Or do you respond by talking to people and getting them to text their friends in swing states to tell them to vote?

Mobilize voters rather than just passively putting down your own check mark in November. Build energy for the campaign rather than diminishing it.

It's not the fucking weather that we can't do anything about. It's not a hurricane. It's human beings making a choice. Our narratives matter to that choice. It literally makes all the difference in the world.

Don't passively assume defeat. Especially as it gets close to November. Let the media burn all their sabotaging, pro-corpo bullshit now. Let it be old news. Get inoculated against it. Then this fall, when we're getting close, be relentless. Reach out, make connections, push that missing voter participation so it's fresh in everyone's minds.

We absolutely have this, but only if we put out the effort to take it.

I really doubt you'll have this, no matter what you do

That's because the corpo media really wants you to doubt that we'll have this.

Quit being a debbie downer and try!

I think it's more that the candidate you're running isn't great and the candidate running against you just got a hell of a boost on top of the lead he already had. Hard to believe you're going to turn this around.

Quit being a debbie downer and try!

I'd rather let you figure out your own elections

If you'd rather let us figure out our own elections, why are you out here building energy for the Trump campaign?


If me saying what everyone is already predicting is "building energy for the Trump campaign" then you truly are fucked.

And yet you're still spending your limited time on Earth seemingly doing everything you can to maintain that narrative! Weird!

I don't know if polls and all analysts and whatnot are what you'd call a narrative. The odds of Democrats winning this are poor. That's just how it is.

It's similar to my narrative that betting on a number on roulet, you probably won't win. I bet some gambler will get mad about me maintaining that narrative too.

Notice how what this person is saying and what they're doing are completely at odds?

This is their playbook. Know it. Learn it. Memorize it.

Inoculate yourself.

Someone please translate this to less cryptic language

They're saying that your comments are consistent with a gaslighting troll.

If that wasn't your intention, then your best bet might be discontinuing that line of argumentation.

::: spoiler Just in case...


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Bruh... You have to stop this tactic of accusing people who are legitimately worried about Biden losing of boosting Trump. There are no potential-Trumpers here.

You are attacking the person instead of engaging with their argument. It's just ad hominem.

You're right, except for this:

There are no potential-Trumpers here.

Technically, there is no reason to assume that. Pro-[anything] can create an account on any federated instance and participate in all available communities, not necessarily in an obvious way.

For example, some days ago someone created an account on a federated instance, exclusively to respond to a comment of mine from 1 year ago.

This it still the Internet, even if a somewhat calmer part of it.

Right, but you're talking about someone who is already pro -Trump. I'm talking about people who are undecided, but potentially pro-Trump.

Trolls most definitely infiltrate Left spaces, but undecided (which in practice means uninterested) voters who lean rightwards don't, and they're the ones that might be swayed towards Trump by arguments against a given Democrat candidate.

Hm, not sure of any of that. Since it's a federated instance, people from many different spaces can read and be targeted by anything in here. Thinking from a manipulation point of view, it's a platform that goes beyond the instance's orientation.

Agree to fully disagree.

But I'm also not a bruh. Suh? Idk.

Apologies, I did not intend to misgender.

Bruh as it's used here in California is not gendered, and it is not something you address someone as, it's an expression of frustration or disbelief.

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Or hear me out, they can just gaslight us more. That'll turn things around for sure.

What do you mean?

The pattern of Biden defenders saying everything is ok and this is a campaign by nefarious elites rather than a very broad concern across the whole swath of the party. The problem isn't people saying they think Biden is going to lose, the problem is Biden is going to lose.

Ah, I get what you mean. Yes the other person started acting like In was some Republican partisan for saying that the odds are stacked pretty high against Democrats (and I didn't want to answer his call to action for Democrats since I'm not even American). It's weird, sorta cultish behavior. If the campaign now relies on keeping their heads in the sand then they're absolutely fucked. That's now way to win anything.

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Biggest thing is just to vote whether it's Biden or his replacement.