The corruption of Lindsey Graham to politics – 232 points –
The Corruption of Lindsey Graham

This is a long read about how Graham went from a never-Trump into an all-in MAGA nut. It is a fascinating long read.


This guy should NOT be on TV anymore. He sold out democracy and our core values for neofascism when he tried to disenfranchise all democrats in Georgia.

Not sure a long article if needed. Trump became the Republican party, and they all had a choice: continue to have a spine and call out this lying grifter for what he is (while also endangering their political career) or capitulate to Trump, become a jellyfish, and keep your job. Lady G. made his choice.

Didn't Graham change his tune after a round of golf with Trump? Not that I'd expect Graham to have a different position anyways but it has the overt appearance of some coercion thrown in there, assuming the timeline matches (never checked it myself). Probably pretty easy for Trump to do with Russian intelligence and popup book on why it's in his best interest to use intelligence for a change.

I’m not kidding when I say I watched some cspan hearing where Lindsay angrily grilled some government agent on whether Russia had dirt on any politicians. Lindsay looked panicked and agitated.

Trump is what the Republican party has been working on creating at least since Nixon

Lindsey Graham is all about Lindsey Graham, always has been.

He attached himself to John McCain when he wielding influence and power, then to Trump once he became President.

If more of the establishment believed Trump was going to win in 2016, Graham would never have been a Never Trumper, he'd have grabbed Trumps coattails from the beginning.

Lindsey Graham doesn't face whichever way the wind blows. He faces where it's always at his back.

I read the whole thing and I hated every minute of it. It makes me sick to my stomach how Trump has gotten away with so much obvious illegal, unethical, and immoral stuff.

And to watch Lindsey Graham's spine melt into the noodle it is... It's disgusting. Imagine if he actually held his ground and continued to call him out. Imagine if he spent half of the effort he did apologizing for Trump, trying to create a group of like minded Republican leaders that could hold him to account.

And even after all of that bullshit, Jan 6th happens and he doesn't vote to convict.

Compromat makes people do stuff they always wanted to do in secret

The one coconspirator I want to see indicted in Georgia (besides TFG) is Graham crackers.

I never really understood why it didn't become normalized to throw trash at Lindsay Graham whenever he's spotted out in public.

This is the best summary I could come up with:


A month earlier, he had abandoned his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.

Now two men he despised, Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz, were leading the race.

“Donald is like being shot in the head,” Graham told talk-show host Trevor Noah.

Donald Trump’s ascent to the presidency destroyed the myth that the United States was immune to despotism.

He produced an enormous trove of interviews, speeches, press briefings, and social media posts.

I'm a bot and I'm open source!

I also highly recommend if you want to understand this entire movement towards authoritarianism. Graham is a textbook example of a spineless sycophant who will take on whatever beliefs are necessary to cozy up to an authoritarian leader.