Someday soon (if it hasn't already happened) a book will be published that was written and edited entirely on a phone/tablet with a touch keyboard. to – 79 points –

I can't even imagine writing long form on a touch keyboard. But with a lot of people eschewing laptops/desktops for their mobile devices, it's really just a matter of time.

edited: Missed a "T" in the title.


Severe ME/CFS: A Guide to Living was written entirely on phone by Emily Collenridge, someone who suffered from very severe ME/CFS (one of the illnesses with lowest Quality of Life) and could only use her phone for brief moments. Over years, writing a tiny bit each moment she was able to use her phone, she wrote her book which was published.

This book is really invaluable to the patient community as it is one of the only ones we have, since most people with that level of illness aren’t able to communicate at all.

Sadly she died in hospital a couple years later, in her early 30s.

Here is a wiki page if anyone is interested

Oh wow! That is an incredibly inspiring story!

It probably happens already with some web-serials

I'm seeing teenagers writing reports on the smartphone while sitting in front of a full computer keyboard... They say it's faster...

I wonder how they do formating. Could see it being faster if you are a scan and peck typer and only writing notes though.

I wrote a book of short horror stories mostly on my phone in snippets, just using a notes app. Only the final edit was on a laptop.

There are LN writers who switch between their phone and their laptops.

Japanese light novel writers in assuming? And why? To continue working on the go when needed?

this has similar energy to boomer posts about millennials someday joining the workforce

Why? I'm not talking about age. I'm talking about typing speed.

i mean in terms of you talking about something that's obviously already happening as though it's impending

My entire comment history here, and the last 10 years or so on Reddit have been exclusively from a phone. Weeks go by that I don’t touch an actual Mac or PC anymore.

Most of the short stories or ideas I have written down in the last 10 or so years have been on my phone; nothing published, though. I can type faster with my thumbs now than I can using a regular keyboard since I am so out of practice using a keyboard to type. Used to average 120WPM.