What do you prefer to do when you feel like your world is a farce and you feel overwhelmed with continuing to try to improve it?

TehBamski@lemmy.world to ADHD@lemmy.world – 31 points –

Write enormous screeds about how literally insane it is that the world is being actively destroyed at the behest of and for the benefit of a wealthy, powerful and profoundly mentally ill few.

Play video games and work in the garden.

The first likely accomplishes nothing of any note - even if other people recognize it, part of the insanity is that the psychopaths in power have arranged things so that nobody can stop them.

The second doesn't accomplish much of anything either, but they're at least situations in which my efforts aren't systematically undermined and exploited for the benefit of psychopaths. Instead of being rigged so that whatever I do benefits the ruling class, they're situations in which I can actually make choices solely based on what I think will work best in a given situation and reap the rewards if I choose correctly.

usually cycle back to realising no one can or will ever change the world and my activity is pointless

then i call my therapist

Narrow the scope: I can only improve or change things that are MY responsibility. I do not need to take on anyone elses, if their project/job/life/relationship fails that is on them.

Things that are not in my control, I do not try to. I cant make other people happy, I can make myself happy.

This is really important, I agree. Also, though, don't mix responsibility and fault. Fault is virtually irrelevant, and responsibility is ultimately "Am I going to be the one to respond to this?" Yes - you're responsible. No - you're not responsible.

That said, others are in the same boat. If you don't take care of your own needs, they don't have to, either.

Excessively caffeinate I guess? That reminds me, I have a jug of cold brew in my fridge.

Edit: Immediate regret! Pre-made store bought coldbrew, absolutely vile and acidic. No I'm not throwing it out, yes I'm still going to drink it.

I read on here somewhere recently that a pinch of salt in a cup of over brewed tea takes away the bitter taste, and I'm sure the reason given was something to do with the acidity of the tea being lowered.

I might be completely wrong, but it might be worth trying with a small cup 🤷🏻‍♂️

Baking soda. Works for any food or drink to lower acidity at the cost of slightly increasing salty taste (from the sodium)

I suffer from heartburn and acid reflux, so this could be very helpful, thank you :)

baking soda and raising the head of my bed have worked wonders for me, hope it does you well 🤞

I bingewatch shallow shit on Netflix and ignore the world as good as i can.

Start doing what you really want to do, and handle the blowback as a challenge.