Australia sees hottest winter temperature on record, a brutal 107 degrees to World – 165 points –

That's 41 degrees for everyone who doesn't measure things in bird per gun.

Well that's a relief; I thought we were having boiled Australia.

I was like ok that’s hot but for a record?? Then I realize that it says winter.

We’re so fucked

I was curious about what happens to the roads at these temperatures and turns out, they melt.

Oddly, this article seems to say last December nearly tipped 50, so not really sure what to believe about record setting. Either way, it's not good.

Winter in Australia is June-August, so that December temp is their summer record.

Funny how I even typed December and it didn't click in my head it was a different season.

Writing when tired isn't a recipe for well thought comments evidently.

December is summer for Australia.
Because they are in the southern hemisphere their winter and summer are the opposite to seasons in europe and America.

So last Australian SUMMER tipped 50°C.
This WINTER it's 41°C

Except they don't "melt" when properly sealed, as the article mentions. I mean, 107 is like a cool day in Phoenix or Tuscon during the summer.

I'm guessing that they were not properly sealed because they did not expect those temperatures when they were built.

It's Australia though. It does get pretty toasty in summer. It's just not expected to get that toasty in winter.

Many people seem to overlook that IT IS WINTER RIGHT NOW IN AUSTRALIA.


That's why this temperature is high.
Of course it's not that high if you compare it to phoenix or some desert in the hight of summer.

In my current part of Aus, the weather has shifted creepily warm over the past month. It feels like the weather skipped a month.

If you take a look at geologic time, we’ve had huge climate swings... I think it's far more likely that it's just sunspot activity, or something just in the geologic eons of time where we have changes in the climate.

::: spoiler Edit

Below is my original comment and my initial edit. I'd thought to leave the original at the top, but that appears to be a mistake as people aren't reading the edit I made at all, just seeing the jist of the quote and probably getting annoyed - and rightfully so.

Anyway, for posterity:

If you take a look at geologic time, we’ve had huge climate swings... I think it's far more likely that it's just sunspot activity, or something just in the geologic eons of time where we have changes in the climate.


In my haste, I skipped formatting and linking in this comment after my client crashed a couple times.

Above is a quote from renown buffoon, Ron Johnson.

This is the original article the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal wrote after the interview, and here's the two minute video they took of him saying it.


If you took a look at geologic time and understood it, you would be frightened with how quickly average temperatures worldwide have been increasing, which is how I know you're full of shit and know nothing about geologic time

You are right and I agree with you. I quickly wrote that comment and I doing so failed to get across my sarcastic quoting of Republican senator Ron Johnson. I have edited the comment with the appropriate correction.

from the article in the OP:

The global warmth is linked to human-caused climate change and a powerful El Niño event, which ended in June.

do give it a read. it also refers to this abnormal set of temperatures being more of a trend over the past twenty years rather than a one-off event like sunspot activities.

i don't quite see the point of ostriching ourselves into denying our part in climate change. all that does is absolve the large corporations that have accelerated it of any blame.

I didn't format my comment to show it was a quote from Ron Johnson as Jerboa crashes time to time when adding a link to text, and I ignored formatting altogether the third time I tried to make the comment. I've edited it to include what should have been there in the first place.

No, we haven't had huge climate swings. Show me one graph with a similar swing in temperature.

My client crashed twice when trying to add a link in to my comment, and then I'm frustration I neglected to add it when it when I wrote it the third time. I have edited the comment to reflect the fact that it's a direct quote from a climate denying senator. Apologies.

In the desert in the dry Before the breaking of the rain The temperature in the shade Had reached a hundred and ten again

In the midst of winter? I doubt it.

This is not meant as the highest temp of the year. But its winter now down undet, its supposed to be cool.

Ughhh and here I am freezing my arse off down here. I’ll take a nice 40 over Antarctic winds, rain, and hail.

This is a contributing factor to why we transitioned from 'global warming' to 'climate change'. It isn't about getting hotter - it's about how the effects will be wildly inconsistent across the globe, both in terms of geographic region and severity.

don't worry, friend. it wouldn't be long before that ice sheet has melted and the rest of the world is virtually set on fire.

we'll all collectively give up mother earth so that you can keep your arse toasty warm.